Chapter 40: Candy Hearts

Start from the beginning

With raspy breaths, they paused to take in the moment. Soft tones played as fingers tips created featherlight strokes and lips tasted each other in harmony. Deep tones followed as Robin's hands moved lower, across chiseled chest muscles and contoured abs. He swallowed hard upon reaching the waistline of Tyler's pants, which currently appeared very tight in the front. A sight that never failed to make Robin unravel.

His hands nudged against the bulging hardness as Robin started to unzip Tyler's pants, which made a beautiful melody of moans sing from newly kissed lips. Carefully, Robin guided the pants over the prosthetic leg, making sure the fabric didn't get caught up around the foot as he pulled them off.

"You can remove the leg too," Tyler announced. He usually kept the leg, or at least the sleeve on, even when he was naked--which he was quite often when he and Robin were alone--to cover the scars underneath. "I want to have nothing between us."

Robin nodded and started to roll down the top sleeve. After that was done, Tyler rose to help him unlock the socket from its seal. With gentle fingers, Robin continued to remove the bottom sleeve, making sure to not irritate the scarred skin underneath. It felt very intimate like he was getting let in on Tyler's most well-kept secret.

Slowly, trying to savor every moment of the journey, a pair of cartoon-patterned boxers were removed as well. Tyler laid completely bare in front of Robin. He was so damn beautiful that it seemed impossible. A renaissance painting celebrating the perfection of nature. Soft lips blushed from kissing, cascading curls framed his face, and hard muscles vibrated beneath taut skin. Every feature became a note in a perfectly composed symphony.

After a moment of admiration, Robin leaned forward to kiss those lush lips. At the same time, his hands found a stiff body part below. Every stroke turned into a tune as Tyler's body tensed up like a violin string.

Impatient hands tugged on his own pants. They stroked over the front in big eager movements and clumsily tried to figure out the buttons. "I need to feel you," Tyler mumbled in frustration as his hands couldn't master the pants' closing mechanism.

Robin took pity on his boyfriend and bent down to help. Together they solved the puzzle of the pants.

A song of pleasure vibrated through every nerve as Tyler's hand found their way into Robin's underwear, playfully fondling and threatening to end this adventure way too soon.

"Let me..." Robin stuttered into lips stung by kisses. "Let me take my pants off."

Suddenly, the tan chino fabric felt awfully constricting and unnatural. After having shed the last layers of barrier between them, he dove back into welcoming arms. Skin stuck to skin and hardness nudged against hardness.

Robin knew he wouldn't last long if this continued, so, reluctantly, he pried himself away.

"Should I?" he panted through kiss-covered lips.

As Tyler nodded in reply, Robin moved over toward the dresser and extracted the secret tools hidden within: a pack of silvery squares and a small bottle.

Taking a deep breath, he squeezed the lube container to put a dollop on his fingers. Meanwhile, Tyler pulled his knees up towards his sides and folded his legs. The left leg was a bit harder to fold since it lacked the lower part, but he made it work. They'd practiced this exercise before and discovered that this was the best position.

Slowly and carefully, Robin stroked his fingers in between Ty's legs and made little circles around the entrance. Immediately, he got a shivering response. Ty put his face to the side with a groan and bit the pillow to the side of him. "Now you're teasing me," he mumbled in a pained voice.

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