'Oh shit!' Sneha sighed when she saw herself paired with the girl she disliked a lot. Although Ananya was no longer bullying anyone, still, she was a bully! And, she was the sister of a certain person who had almost turned her life upside down for a day.

 "What a coincidence!" Ananya said and Sneha got startled for a second. She turned around to see Ananya behind her looking at the list.

"We are partners!" Ananya added when Sneha didn't say anything.

Sneha forcefully smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Global warming is our topic." Sneha added. She was about to search for Jyoti's name when she realized that she had a smartphone and would see it from the group chat.

"Jyoti is absent today, right?" Ananya asked as they both started walking out of the building.

"Yes. She has gone on a trip with her family." Sneha replied.

"Nice. Where?" Ananya asked to prolong the conversation.

"Ajanta caves." She answered.

"Wow! So, how will you go home? She used to drop you home, right?" Ananya asked.

"I will take the bus." Sneha replied.

"Okay. Uhh... If you want, then bhai can drop you home." Ananya suggested.

Sneha's eyes widened.

"No!... Thank you but, the bus is fine, you know." Sneha said quickly yet politely. She remembered Viraj commenting on not being Ananya's friends' driver. Either way, she had no interest in meeting him.

"Uh...okay!" Ananya agreed.

"So, about the project, I think we will have to do it in my house." Ananya added.

"We can do it in the college also. I mean, we can decide the model's structure, and then we can make the individual parts at our respective homes. Then, we can assemble the parts in the college." Sneha suggested.

Had it been Jyoti, she would have happily gone to her home. But, she had no intention to visit Ananya's home again. The last time she did, she lost two of her most important things...phone and cycle. She couldn't afford to lose anything more. And, asking Ananya to come to her home was out of option, because she was Viraj's sister. She didn't want the mafia's family member at her little home. Her father will kill her!

"That's a good idea. But, what if our project can't be broken into pieces?" Ananya asked.

"We will design it in that way. Global warming is an easy topic. We can make anything on it. I will use the internet in the college on Monday. You can also search on it during the weekends if you have a computer at home. Then we will discuss the plan on Monday. What do you say?" Sneha asked in hope that she would agree.

"Okay!" Ananya said instantly. She couldn't force Sneha to come to her home or she might suspect her.

"Okay then...bye!" Sneha said as the parking lot came into view. She had to walk straight out of the main gate.

"Yupp. Bye! See you on Monday." Ananya and Sneha shared goodbyes.

Sneha had only walked for two minutes when a car halted beside her. She turned to look at it and her breath hitched. It was her new nightmare...the one with whom she had to have lunch tomorrow.

"Sit." He ordered while looking at her.

Sneha noticed that he was wearing the sunglasses this time. Of course, it was sunny! She noticed Ananya beside him with a big smile plastered on her face. Sneha wondered if Ananya asked him to drop her!

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