He pulled her closer to him and buried his head in the crook of her neck inhaling her every scent and she stood there, savouring the feeling of his hands moving delicately over her back in caresses

He pulled away and began to stare at her again, in that same manner.

He gave her neck kisses which felt so nice and soft. Just that simple action of his made her yearning for more. Every action he took sent chills running down her spine. She was feeling everything he was doing to her. And then he laid his head on her breasts.
She didn't really feel comfortable with this so she gently took his head away.

She didn't know what was going on with him, neither did she know why he was behaving that way towards her.
He continued to stare at her and then his hands gradually went down from her waist to her thighs causing her to gasp sharply.
He pulled her closer to himself and began to raise up her skirt, feeling her thighs while staring directly into her eyes. Lust was taking over him at this point.

He leaned in closer, brushing his lips against hers ever so slightly. He was teasing her, leaving her craving for more.

"Dave w-we can't do this." Jasmine stuttered out.
Immediately she made that statement, it felt like Dave came out from whatever trance he was in because he stopped.

She walked straight to the door and Dave walked right behind her. He grabbed her by her waist, sat down and placed her on his d*, still staring at her in that same manner.

He made her to whine on him pressing her ass firmly on his d* before he let her go.
It felt like he needed a self satisfaction and he was as well tempted by what Jasmine was putting on.

He controlled himself from going far tho.
Jasmine couldn't help but think about what just happened.
She low-key liked it but she didn't perceive Dave to be that type of person.

What if he couldn't control himself and it led to rape?
What would have happened after that?

She was over thinking everything again!

She hadn't been active on social media but she came online on whatsapp to know what was going on with him.
She asked him what all of that was for but he ignored the question.

She persisted and he finally replied.

"I don't know, I just wanted you in my arms."

"you wanted me in your arms or on your dick?😒"

"😂😂😂however you put it."
Seen 8:40pm.

Jasmine overlooked his actions, having the perception that he just needed someone to cuddle with but it happened again.

This occurred after his birthday.
It was more like a make up visit for not being available during his birthday. Although, she wished him a happy birthday through the phone.

She told him how lucky she was to have someone like him in her life and said some prayers to him.

She wanted to go on and on but then she realized that he wasn't even there for her on her birthday so she didn't pour out her mind like she wanted to.

This time around, Jasmine put on a pair of trousers while going to visit.
He was having a cup of tea when she arrived and because of that, they both sat on the dining table.

She took his phone from him.
She always did that whenever she came around.
She began to go through his pictures and she saw screenshots of birthday wishes he got from different girls but hers wasn't there.

Girls talking about how they met him and how Dave brought so much happiness to their lives.
Their wishes were so long Jasmine began to regret why she didn't pour out all her mind in her birthday wish for Dave.
He didn't even screenshot hers.
Does that mean her wish wasn't really important to him?

INSECURITIES.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon