Sneha took a deep breath. Her doubt on Viraj increased many folds.

"Don't you stop him or convince be this?" Sneha asked.

Ananya's eyes widened.

"I can't interfere in his business." Ananya said with a slight tinge of fear.

"Oh!" Sneha mumbled as she focused on her box. She wondered if she should upfront confront him. What if he shoots her out of anger?

"Why are you asking these questions? Did he... do anything to you?" Ananya asked in concern.

Sneha thought over her question.

"No." She replied as she couldn't blame Viraj over mere speculation. She will have to talk to him.



"Jyoti, I will have to talk to Viraj for a while. It might take some time. So, if you are getting late, you can go. I will take the bus." Sneha told Jyoti as they walked towards the parking lot.

"Why do you want to talk to Viraj now?" Jyoti asked.

"I can't tell you now. But, I will tell you once I confirm things... myself." Sneha said.

"Don't involve yourself with him, Sneha. You know he is trouble." Jyoti suggested.

"I know. But, this is really something important." Sneha asserted to which her friend sighed.

"Alright! I will wait for you. I don't trust him!" Jyoti chuckled while Sneha only nudged her in a friendly manner. She always knew that she could rely on her friend.

Sneha spotted Viraj right where he always parked his car. It was almost a reserved spot for him. No one really claimed that spot knowing who frequently visited there.

She would have approached him right away but this time Ananya was already standing in front of him, telling him something she could not hear. She looked at him in hope that he would get her signal that she wanted to talk to him. She saw him nodding to whatever his sister told him and then finally he looked in her direction. He froze for a while but then relaxed. When she didn't divert his gaze from him, he understood her intention. He grabbed his sister's wrist who was about to enter the car and whispered into her ear. Sneha wondered what he told her.

"Go back inside and come back exactly after 10 minutes." He told his sister. Ananya looked at him in confusion.

"Why, bhai?" She asked.

He only gave her a strict look and she almost ran away back to the college building.

Sneha looked at Ananya's retreating form and met his gaze again. He was now leaning on his car again while staring at her with exactly no expression. Sneha gathered strength and finally walked in his direction. The idea of turning back came into her mind with every step she took. Meanwhile, Jyoti played a game on her phone, completely unaware of the tension in the air.

Viraj didn't speak first this time as she stood in front of him.

"Hi!" She started the conversation in an awkward tone. He remained silent though and continued his staring which made her uncomfortable.

"I...uh...wanted to ask you something." She added when he didn't say anything.

"And what makes you think I will answer?" He said in his same arrogant tone. Sneha sighed.

"Please?" She added.

He couldn't help the smirk from appearing on his face. He found her utterly cute and she wasn't even doing anything.

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