12. Answers

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Despite my protests, Sean taped up my broken ribs. He handed me a pill and said, "It will reduce your pain."

"I don't need it. I'm not in pain." My whisper voice cracked at the last part, but I stood my ground about not taking the pill.

"Come on, pookie. Why not?" He asked, giving me a pointed look.

I just shrugged. "I'll sedate you if you wouldn't take pain killers." He said

"I don't think it will work." I mumbled, Sean raised his eyebrows at me. I just shrugged. I'm pretty sure I can't get drunk or sedated or anything like that.

"Pookie, we need to do something." He said looking at me in concern. I looked at him in confusion at the werid nickname. First time I ignored but now I wanna know what it means. "What does pookie mean?"

"How can you even talk, doesn't your ribs hurt when you breath or speak." Sean asked.

"Of course, it does. I can't do anything about it, unless you don't want me to talk to you." I said coughing slightly.

He looked like he wanted to say something but as all the guys came back, he held back. Owen took a seat next to me and the other kind of surrounded me.

I hid my smile at their behaviour, we all sat in silence as we looked at each other. I didn't hear what they were talking so I don't know what to say or what not to. I didn't want to scare them off, so I waited for them to start saying something.

"It's fucking irritating. Say something, trouble." Gabriel said running his hands through his hair. Trouble? What's with all the nicknames.

North was about to say something when I decided it would be best for me to talk, than leaving it to North. "I don't want to talk about what happened to me at my home."

Silence. "It's okay, Miss.Sorenson we'll never pressure you to say things to us." Owen said, looking around probably getting a mental promise from the guys that they wouldn't either. "But we would like to know what happened in school"

They probably need to know about it and I can't hide everything from them. They are my mates, after all.

"I met Xavier in Illinois. He was the only hybrid I've ever seen, and he helped me when I was very severely hurt, fighting a vampire. I wa-" North intrepted me as he yelled, "You fought a vampire?!? You coul-"

Owen stopped north as I gave Owen a look, I continued with the flask back, "He helped me, whenever supernaturals find what I am. We fought against people who wanted to kill me."

"What are you?" Kota asked interrupting me again.

I sighed, "I'm not sure, but I have my guesses. Back to the what I was saying, I didn't tell him what supernatural I was as I didn't have any clue, one time he saw me getting my hands burnt by wolfsbane and then he just started behaving werid after that."

"I think he thought I was a hybrid like him, but when he couldn't find what I was, he started to get paranoid that I would kill him for his powers. Why sounded really stupid to me, so I started to stop having him around." I glanced around the room and settled my eyes on the carpet below.

"I was met a wolf shifter and when he knew about Xavier, he became interested in him wanting to know everything about, and I told him about Xavier, and when I asked all he said was that he had some unfinished business. I never heard of him again after that, not untill recently." I frowned, looking out through the glass window.

They are going to hate me now, they'll think I was pathetic and stupid to tell a random stranger, whatever they ask. I waited, when no one spoke, I peeked at the guys standing in front of me. I was waiting to see their disgust but I was shocked when all I saw were understanding in their eyes.

"I need to warn you. There are people out there wanting to kill me. For reason even I don't even know." I saw North and Nathan clench their hands at this but I continued, if they didn't see me as threat they sure would now.

"Being with me is not a safe thing, and probably not the clever thing to do. They would come for you if they knew you guys are my mate. I'll understand if you guys wanted to break the mate bond." I said looking at my hands.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Gabriel exclaimed, I smiled slightly he seems to be the one that couldn't help but talk his mind, and I loved that about him. I opened my mouth to answer him, when I was cut off.

"Untill you don't want us, we'll stay with you." It was Owen, his words going deep. "Hell yeah. Even if you don't want us, we'll still stay with you. Sorry trouble, but you're kind of stuck with us." Gabriel said not using a single curse word in his sentence, folding his arms showing me that he's serious. They didn't know how their words are affecting me.

"I don't mind being stuck with you guys." I mumbled, I took a deep breath and held it as much as I can. The action caused my ribs to feel like it's breaking into million pieces, but I concentrate myself on healing the wounds on the body.

I need to be there to help them if unknown people are going to pop up everyday, triying to kill me and them. I need to be able to fight, not stand back and let them fight.

I breathed out in relief as the pain in ribs and other broken or damaged parts healed. I sat back, sighing in relief. After a minute, I opened my eyes when I was fully healed. 

I saw all my mates looking at me with surprised look. I looked at them in confusion. I didn't do anything weird, did I? I went back to all the things I did. I didn't find anything that would look weird.

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