2. Mate.

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"Well..." The blonde guy, luke said, his voice filled with amusement at my reaction, most girls would have been drooling over him by now. I sighed and tried to act normal

"Sang." I said, and took his outstretched hands in mine and as soon as I touched his hand a electric shock went through me, a good one. Mate.

With years of control, I pushed my wolf back down so that I my eyes would be gold. He jerked his hands. I just looked up at him as if nothing had happened even when my heart is beating slightly faster than normal.

As I looked up, I saw his eyes flash golden for a moment and whisper 'mate'. If I hadn't been using my extra hearing I would have missed it. I kept my face a clear mask of confusion, showing no other emotion. I saw from my pherperial vision that the boy next to him look at him in shock.

"I'm sorry." I said trying to put my hands under the table, when he suddenly grabbed my hands and said, "No, I am sorry."

"You okay? Luke." the guy next to him asked, while Luke nodded looking t me.

I turned to look at him and came face to face with a cute boy with green eyes behind his black rimmed glasses, he had brown hair and was wearing a hunter green t-shirt and jeans. Before I could say anything, his eyes flashed golden and I heard him whisper 'mate' at the same time my wolf did.

What!?! How is that even possible. I can't have two mates can I? "I'm Dakota, but every one calls me, Kota." The green eyed boy said and held his hands out.

"Sang." I said, shaking his hands, the same electric feel spread throughout my body. And put my hands under the table, against my wolfs protests. I need answers! I know my eyes didn't flash yellow like theirs did, so I'm grateful for that.

I heard a someone whisper 'its gonna be so much fun' as I looked up and saw Greg and his friends looking at us with evil glint in their eyes. I turned away from thier stares and saw both Kota and Luke were both growling lowly at them.

I jumped slightly when the bell rang. I collected my stuffs and ran to my next class, not looking back. I had already decided, mate or not mate, I need to steer clear from the supernatural world, which means I need to stay away from these people, even though I just met my mates, and they look devilishly handsome.

I had a feeling the entire day that someone was watching me. I didn't turn to look at them but I knew that they were werewolf just like my mates. I walked into the changing room after gym class.

I was changing out of my gym outfit from the bathroom stall when a scent I didn't recognise earlier, but did belong to a supernatural floated towards me. I quickly changed and focused my hearing, after a few seconds a conversation caught my attention

'Jade, seriously! You can't just ask me for help about these things.' a voice hissed.

"Ugh. Of course, I can. Plus I can't do that spell alone. I'm just asking you to say the spell along with me, that's it." Jade? replied

"You can't just go hexing everyone you don't like!" The voice came out angrier but still low so people can't eavesdrop.

"You are going to do as I say, Karen. Or else you can suffer the consequences." Jade said.

Feeling bad, I stoped hearing their conversation, I opened the stall and walked out towards the lockers when Jade turn to leave and spotted me. She looked at me in disgust and walked away with her heads held high.

I looked at where she had gone for a minute, thinking the cause for her reaction then walked back towards the school bus to get home and search for answers.

I smelled the mouthwatering scent of vanilla and sweet along with a spicy scent of my mates along with other smells that rivaled with it. I didn't look up as I knew what was happening when wolf purred at the scents.

I quickly climbed the bus and sat in the window seat. Breathing a sigh of relief when the toxicting smell of my mates become distinct. It was hard to stay away from my mates, but I need to do, so they don't get killed by others, who clearly want me dead. I felt the air shift and smell of a mixture of leather and cypress waffled my nose, which was surprisingly nice.

I didn't look at the person next to me, but for a fact I knew he was a boy and his heart was beating fast. I couldn't help peak a glance at him. My breath left me in a whoosh as I stared at the guy sitting next to me with his hair cut short, a mix between red and brown, leaning more on the red side. His chin was angled and he had a serious blue eyes, he was wearing dark blue slacks and grey polo shirt and he had muscles and a broad tampered shoulders.

Out of all things the only problem was when my wolf saw him she whispered 'mate'. I felt my heart go faster and the guy turned to look at me with furrowed brows - probably thinking why my heart rate went up suddenly- and the serious blue eyes, immediately turned into golden when we made eye contact, 'mate' like others he didn't whisper, he said it out loud that I could hear even without my extra hearing.

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