11. Punishment.

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I showered and changed into beige color sweats and top. I sat on my bed thinking of ways to confront my 'mother'.

A few a few minutes. I stood up and walked down to my mother's room and knocked. I heard a grunt telling me to come in and I walked in, to see my 'mother' on the bed, watching tv.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to say, when she beat me to it. "Where have you been?"

"I've been in my room." I said my voice cracking. She narrowed her eyes at me as she stood up. "What did you do in school?" She asked tauntingly.

"S-Study." I stuttered. Not knowing what she was referring to, and happy that my voice didn't crack as I have been studying at school, along with other things.

"Stop lying, whore." She seethed, my body started to shake violently. I took a step back. Praying that my mates aren't listening to the conversation, so they wouldn't get into trouble.

She grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me to the kitchen, while I was pleading for her to let me go.

She pushed me to the ground making me kneel down, I saw her walking to the cupboard and searching for something. While I shivered, thinking what she would do to me. I had been escaping her punishments by staying out of the way but now.

My thoughts were interrupted as she walked in with a bottle which read vinegar. I watched in horror as she mixed lemon juice with vinegar and force opened my mouth by pulling my hair. She poured the concussion into my mouth, my eyes teared up as it burnt my mouth, throat and everything down.

I gagged but drank it, knowing it would be double, if I spit it out. She pushed me to the ground after I finished the juice. I looked at her gagging, crying and forcing my body to breathe. "Why do you hate me so much?" I asked my voice hoarse and it hurted even more when I talked.

She looked at like she couldn't believe I asked her such question. "Because you are a mistake, the one who should have never born. We are all better of without you."

She kicked my ribs, making me  yell in pain but only air came out and my throat started to scratch. I coughed, scurrying away from her. "Everyone. is. better. off. without. you." She said landing blows in my body between her talk.

I huddled into myself, ignoring the pain from the no wonder broken rib. I layed on the floor, sobbing silently like I always do. Maybe everyone is better off without me. My mates wouldn't be in trouble, if it weren't for me.

I was so lost in my thought, refusing to heal that I flinched away, whimpering when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I was scared it was my mother coming for a second round. I would have scurried away if it wasn't for the scent of light musk.

I opened my eyes, and came face to face with an angry North. When his eyes locked on to mine, his features softened. He picked me up and carried me in a bridal style to the back door. I didn't ask where he was taking me or what he had heard as I didn't feel it was important.

I looked at the night sky dotted with millions of stars. I didn't need to ask to know where I was being taken as we walked in the woods. I replayed all the things my fake-mother told me, Am I a burden to my mates? I'll leave them if that's what they want. I'll never force them to be with me just because I'm broke and look like I constantly need someone to save me.

I can handle myself. I could have stopped her punishment but I didn't. I was so into thought, that I was surprised at the scent of Cypress and leather along with other familiar scents. North placed me down on my feet in living room where Nathan, Kota and Gabriel was, and I can tell that the others expect Owen and Sean are in the next room, probably giving me space.

I sat down on the end of the couch, bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping my hands around. I avoided eye contact with all of them as I scanned the room quickly and averted my gaze the floor. I really hope I'm not a burden.

I looked at Gabriel as he took a seat next to me. His crystal blue eyes is dim, and I can feel his worry. One look at his face, told me that the reason for his worry is me. Maybe if I leave they'll be happy.

"No!" I heard kota say. I looked up to see that everyone was in the room except the Owen and Sean. "I can understand what you are thinking but it isn't your fault. None of this." He said, as he walked towards me and sat down on the floor next to me.

"Maybe." I said, my voice which was barely audible coming out hoarse and cracked. I started dry coughing, reminding that I have not yet healed and with every cough my ribs hurt even more. I don't want to heal. It is a punishment and I should endure it.

North handed me a glass of water and I drank it. I handed the glass back to North with a small smile. "Did she do that?" North growled, a full canine growl.

I didn't answer him, instead I curled up more into a ball, keeping my head down. "It's okay, you don't have to tell us." Nathan said.

"No. It's not okay. We can't let that women abuse her!" North said, raising his voice.

"She doesn't have to tell anything if she doesn't want to." Nathan fought, his voice raising too. I shivered, I hate fighting. It's because of me that they are fighting. She was telling the truth, everyone is better off without me.

"Like hell-" North yelling was cut off shortly by a cold and commanding, stern voice, "Enough."

We all turned to look at the entrance and saw Owen and Sean standing with their hands folded and a stern expression on Sean's face, while Owen remained expressionless.

They both looked at me, and Sean came towards me as the others stood and followed Owen leaving us both alone. I looked back at Sean who had taken his medical supplies. It was like they already know what to do in these type of situation.

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