1. New school

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I looked at the girl in the mirror, short 5' 1", blonde hair and haunting green eyes that changes into blood red, golden and even purple sometimes. I know the cause of golden eyes as it's my Wolf's eye color but the others I'm having assumption.

My eyes changed to red once when I touched a plant which I later found was vervain. I'm not sure why it affected me, but the strange part is it didn't affect my wolf, it kind of sting like an ant bite or a paper cut but that's it just like silver, which also doesn't completely burn me.

Then there's the thing about my smell, usually when I was in Illinois, the Wolf's or occasionally vampires that pass by doesn't know I'm an wolf and that's usually untill they try to kill me. Vampires tries to kill me for blood but the Wolf's usually do it for fun.

When they find that I'm a wolf and that I smell like a human they try to take me with them or kill me. Since I've been 14 I've been learning to fight. I also steer clear of the supernatural world since I don't know much about it.

My theories are that I'm most likely a human-wolf hybrid and that's the reason why I smell like human and that silver doesn't affect me much. I shook all that thoughts away. I look down at my outfit for the first day of school - a black short pleated skirt with a cream color tshirt and a light blue cardigan.

We moved to South Charleston a few weeks ago and I'm excited to attend Ashely Waters and live a normal human life with no supernaturals. It was always the thing I love about school, no super naturals beings. School is the only place that supernatural doesn't come to, who would want to go to a highschool when you have a eternity? Well, I do and I'm gonna love it. Actually I can't quite wait to go to school.


Seriously! Urghh!!!! You call this a school?!? I'm sure that this school is not supposed to have this much students, besides that I already came across 2 vampire scents and 4 werewolf scent along with a smell that I can't identify.

My hopes of having a fresh start is all but gone. Now I had to try and keep out of the way of all supernatural. Now I regret moving away from Illinois, atleast they didn't have werewolves and vampires in the school!

My day was good as I spent the time being invisible, by sitting in the corner of the class room and not drawing any attention to me. Lunch was fun too, as much as a fun one can have in a broke school, as I spent some time under a large oak tree and by that time, I found that there are 5 Vampires, 10 werewolves and 2 smells that I couldn't identify along with the mixed scent of vampire and werewolf which means the vice principal McCoy is a hybrid.

Wow. Wonderful turn of events. This so called school is being ran by a supernatural. I sat down in my history class, thinking about a way to live among these people and not expose me. I took a deep breath to calm me and had to forced myself not to gag as the smell of menthol, cigarette and death clogged my sense, followed by a sickly voice, "Hey, Sweetie."

I turned around to see a The guy had dark hair, was thin, had a goatee and looked about our age. He had a couple of friends lingering behind him. Their pants hung low on their hips and they all wore oversized sport t-shirts.

"What's your name? Sweetie." The guy goatee asked.

I went to stand up but his hands pulled me down by the shoulder with an surprising strength as the previous assumption of him being a vampire only confirmed, even though I could easily break from his hold I didn't try it, as it will only make them more interest in me.

I tried to play the dumb blonde as I replied, "Sang. My name is Sang."

"Sang? That's just fucking weird. Do you sing?" He asked.

As I shook my head, a blush creeped into my cheeks, a bad feeling in the pit of the stomach.

"I'm Greg." He patted a hand on his chest, and tilted his chin toward me. "We should go out sometime."

I need to get away from his attention, this could only mean trouble. "I think I should go." I said looking him in the eye and standing up fastly, before he could stop.

The teacher chose that moment to enter the class as I sighed in relief. "It's not over yet." Greg said as he took a seat.

I took a seat far away from Greg and his friends as possible. I slowly calmed my beating heart by closing my eyes and focusing my hearing on the blonde guy's breathing infront of me. I opened my eyes and letting out a breath and getting comfortable in the chair as start drawing the Trinity knot with a circle in different designs.

I didn't know what it meant but whenever I tried to think of my life when I was 6 years or before, all I would remember is the trinity knot. I felt the air shift and a smell of Vanilla drifted to me. I looked up to see the guy with long blonde hair which was mostly pulled back into a ponytail looking at me with mischievous glint in his brown eyes.

He was wearing dark blue Levi jeans, black flip flops and a white button up shirt with the collar looking rumpled. The top three buttons were undone, so I could see halfway down his chest through the opening and the last button was undone as well. I didn't know why he even bothered to wear a shirt at all.

"I'm Lucian Taylor but you can call me Luke." He said. I grimaced slightly looking up and nodding as I know he's a werewolf. I wanted to get up but I only had two choice a vampire or a wolf, I didn't move as I know I would have better chance against a wolf than a vampire since I am a wolf, and there was something about him that was pulling me in.

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