4. Vice principal

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"What's your favourite breakfast." Luke asked, I turned my attention from North to Luke.

"Chocolate chip pancake." I said without missing a beat. I watched him perk up at this,  "Syrup or Cream?" He looked at me like his life depended on my answer.

"To be honest, both." I answered truthfully.

Luke brightened and was practically bouncing on his seat as he gave me a full blown smile, which made my heart skip a beat. "You're perfect!" He exclaimed loudly, making me stare at him in surprise.

"You'll die if you eat those things." North muttered.

We both just ignored him as we talked about all kind of sweets. North grunted in protest every time when, Luke says 'you should try it'. Luke kept talking animatedly about it, during the class and the teacher kept giving him irritated looks.

"You're going to stop talking now or..." North trailed off, and I watched as they communicate in their pack link, finally Luke gave in rolling his eyes and huffed, but turned forward. I smiled at their 'brothery' fight and sat back on the chair, listening to the class. The air shifted and the smell of musk distracted me from the class as I was now fully focused on North.

After a few moments, he leaned even closer. My heart started beating faster and my wolf was basking in the light musk scent. I closed my eyes, trying to get my head out of the gutter and failing .

"Sang baby, are you okay?" North asked worriedly, but his nickname only made things worse for me. I looked at north and I saw his eyes darken as he wonder sees the lust in my eyes.

I put the emotionless wall back on, but my heart was still beating faster. I was glad the bell chose that moment. I collected my things and speed walked to the restroom. I stood in front of the mirror, for minutes trying to calm myself down.

I focused my hearing to something that would help me divert my thoughts. It didn't help that I could hear my mates voices. My wolf, stilled when I skipped through a conversation, being curious I listened.

"You can't come here and act like you own the place!" The familiar voice said, while the other person didn't give any reply. "And you can't question me, I'm the vice principal of this school!" The voice practically yelled.

Mr. McCoy was talking to someone and the other person was obviously  making him mad. "Of course, I can." A calm but cold voice said.

I started walking automatically, when the conversation stopped. I was so focused that I jumped when I heard a thud. I looked around and saw no one, thats when I realized it was from the two men.

I quickened the pace and I stopped at the end of a hallway- where I haven't been before. I was looking around but froze when McCoy spoke, "I can easily kill you now, you know."

I felt my eyes starting to change color and my canines and claws began to form. I looked around and saw no one in sight. "What's wrong with you?" I asked my wolf. She just ignored me, as she pushed me to transform.

I peeked toward the hallways, where the two men's where one in grey suit,has pale skin with soft brown hair that is cut short and brushed back from his face. He has steel-grey eyes and angular bone structure like a model.He wears black-rimmed glasses similar in style to Kota Lee's. He has smooth perfect hands. His scent of Irish soap, filled me, I stood there staring at the steel grey eyes which was focused on McCoy.


I wanted to yell and laugh at the same time, of course that's why my wolf was so angered at the death treat. I was lost in my thoughts, and missed their conversation.

I saw worry flash in his steel grey, emotionless eyes for a minute as McCoy leaned into his throat, his canines showings no wonder going to kill him. My wolf couldn't hold it anymore, so I let her and shifted.

Everything happened in a blur, as I lunged at the hybrid trying to hurt my mate. McCoy hit the wall and fell down, I didn't look at the suit guy as I was so angry. I let out a loud growl, a warning. I saw surprise clear in McCoy's face and watched him cringe at my growl. I ran away from the scene, knowing he's not going to go behind my saying and as I know that my grey suit mate would be okay.

I shifted back and walked into the restroom, locking the door. I focused my hearing to check on the grey suit guy. That's when I heard my mates along with the grey suit guy and other voices.

"Did you see who it was?" A baritone voice asked.

"No." The grey suit guy's voice said.

" did you fucking hear the warning growl, form whoever the fuck it was?" A voice suprisingly deeper then the first voice.

"Yeah. It was like a command of the alpha, so powerful." Nathan said.

"Do we know who the guy was?" A voice said. I huffed as they said 'guy', yeah typical people thinking it was a guy.

"You felt a pull towards the black wolf right, Owen?" A voice asked.

"Yes. It was as if-" Owen or the grey suit guy was interrupted by Luke's amused voice," A plain black wolf?"

"Not a just any plain black wolf, but a special wolf, with gold markings." Owen said his voice filled with same amusement.

"With golden markings?" The baritone voice said, and I can literally hear Owen nod his head.

"We have to be careful, though." Kota said. "If the wolf knew where to find you, I'm sure it can hear us talk right now." 

I was impressed with Kota's thinking, as in fact it was something I was doing too, and I can hear them agree with him. I stopped listening when the bell rang, I walked towards my class thinking of a way to protect all my mates from their stupidity or even mine.

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