"They are lying, Madame Irene," Lord Augustus spoke up, his voice gentle for someone so cruel. "Lying in a court of law is also an offence."

Noah looked at Renee, his face appearing to be tense and worried. Did they think that they would get away with lying?

Oh, if only Izzy had given them some pointers!

"We are lying," Noah admitted. "I'm sorry, Lord Augustus, but he told me to lie."

"He? Who is he?" Madame Irene.

"Sir Johannes," Renee answered, much to my shock.

Where did Sir Johannes come from?

"Please elaborate," Madame Irene said, her eyes narrowed at the pair of them.

"I fell in love with Renee Durvont when I went to collect her soul from the Earthly Realm. After initial confusion, she was said to be alive. But I wanted to see her again since I couldn't forget her," Noah explained.

I wondered why Noah was telling them all this. My eyes glanced at Renee, who was nodding to every word that he said.

"Sir Johannes promised me a life with Renee. He told me to create a Realm where we could meet, and he told me that Spiritual Ascension was a way we could see each other again. I was expertly manipulated into his scheme without my knowledge." Noah told them.

"Sir Johannes guided us through every step. Our crimes were all his idea," Renee added. "I have proof."

"Where is this proof?" Madame Irene asked, looking completely astonished at what they were saying.

I didn't know what to believe anymore.

Renee showed them a memory of Sir Johannes upon a beach, talking about Renee going to the White Realm.

"That isn't an issue. You have reached the White Realm purely due to my efforts. I am responsible for your achievement." Johannes seemed to be saying.

Lord Augustus too looked surprised, watching the memory intently.

I knew that they'd scored a point here. It was genius, purely genius, to blame it all onto Johannes. Who, by the way, had to be punished for all that he had done to the LOLtube.

I suppressed the smile that made its way to my face. Maybe they could get out of this with a mild punishment.

"Johannes is to be interrogated," Lord Augustus looked troubled. "I cannot believe that this is another one of his twisted schemes."

"Court Dismissed," Madame Irene announced. "Will be resumed once Sir Johannes is here."

I couldn't hold back my smile any longer.

Noah Stark always knew how to wind his way out.


"Was that true?" I asked Noah, who was sitting upon a wooden bench. We were in a room adjacent to the courtroom, and being watched by Higher Spirits. Fortunately, the Higher Spirits weren't listening to our conversation.

"No," Noah said, his eyes fixated onto the Higher Spirits.

"Noah came up with it," Renee answered, smiling proudly at Noah.

"It's so smart, Izzy would be impressed," I beamed.

Noah nodded but didn't say anything. I knew that he was still worried, the worst wasn't over yet.

And now that Johannes was being brought in, who knew how he would twist Noah's words?

"Shay, remember to upload the pdf," Renee reminded me. I nodded, thinking about the book she had written. I was tasked with uploading the last pdf onto her website since I was the only person left who could use the Spirit Internet properly.

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