Chapter 63- No one wants to be here

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"So, you know. I tried to jump off the school a couple days ago, now what? It hasn't changed fucking anything."

"I need to know you're not going to do it again."

I look at the floor and say nothing.


"I'm going to go lay down. I didn't sleep, like, at all last night." I say quietly.

"You're not going anywhere until you promise me you're not going to do it again!"

I drag my eyes up to meet his.


I can't.

I want to...but I can't.

He's crying.


I can't handle this.

I walk off and Pierre calls after me.

I go in the room and shut the door behind me, locking it.

I can't do this...

I curl up into a ball on the bed and stare at the room, putting my earbuds in and tapping loudly, it doesn't matter, Josiah isn't here.

I wonder why it bothers him so much...

But more importantly, I wonder what I'm going to do.

Do I really want to die?


At three, I get my shoes and coat on to go get Josiah.

When I leave the room, I see that Pierre's in the kitchen.

I try to sneak past him, but he hears me.

"Damien?" He leans in the doorway separating the kitchen and living room. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Um, going to go get Josiah?"

"No, you're not leaving."

I'm... what?

"Why the fuck not?" I snap at him.

He looks at me silently for a moment before continuing, "Because I can't lose you."

"You don't have a choice!" I stuff my hands in my pockets, "It's not up to you!"

"I'm not letting you leave."

"Oh? And you think you can stop me?"

He goes over to the door and stands in front of it.

"Pierre, don't make me move you." I threaten.

"I'm not afraid of you, Damien."

"You should be! So what if I fucking kill myself?! You only took care of me because you got paid to. Don't act like you care!"

He looks shocked.

Rightfully so. I'm being an asshole.

I'm tired of everyone thinking they can just push me around.

"Don't say that!" He finally snaps "How could..."

"Save your bullshit for someone else! Quit trying to parent me! You're not my dad!"


I push past him and get in my car.

He doesn't try to stop me again.


I quickly drive over to the school and wait on Josiah.

As soon as he gets in the car I turn up the music a bit, not wanting to talk.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang