Chapter 3-SEXY DRUGS

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Warnings ⚠: Child Abuse, Rape, Violence, Religion, Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Use of Slurs, Homophobia, Bullying, Mention of Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Actions, Gun Use.

Damien's P.O.V.
-Tuesday, August 24th-

I scuff my worn leather boots on the old yellow ceramic tile beneath me. I keep my eyes down and my headphones blast Taylor Swift in my ears. Don't judge. I like most of her music but particularly her album, Lover, It's very underrated.

I'm late for A.P. Chemistry, but I really don't care. Honestly, I'm hardly passing most of my classes anyway. I continue down the hallway when a loud crashing sound interrupts my solitude. Whoever dares to interrupt my Taylor Time, they're going to get a beating. I pull one of my ear buds out and stop dead in my tracks, listening.

I hear the distinct sound of a head banging into a hard metal locker.

I know this sound all too well, because I've picked a lot of fights in my four years in this hellhole. At least I'm on my last year here...if I pass, that is.

I might have to pull an Ethan and redo this year if I get too far behind..

We've had so many lockers dented in by the nerds and stuff that they've had to replace them every couple of years. We've also had a lot of white suburban moms yelling at the PTA meetings about how their children are being bullied. But in high school, it's eat or be eaten, and if you're getting your ass kicked, it's just because you're not good enough at surviving to get out of here unscathed.

I should probably stay out of it. Whoever is getting their ass kicked probably deserves it...

But, if I follow the sound, then maybe I can get in on the action. I haven't beaten anyone senseless in a bit. I need some stress relief, anyway.

I walk down the hall toward the sound and as soon as I turn the corner I see Logan pushing some nerdy looking kid against the lockers.

The kid looks terrified. His white baggy sweater has just as much, if not more blood on it than on his face. His hair is parted in the middle, it's a light brown, and in some lights could be seen as a very dirty blonde.

I see a round pair of glasses on the ground beside where he's being pinned. The frames are bent and the left lense has a big crack in it, as if Logan stepped on them or something.

He's not fighting back, and I'm not sure if it's because he's physically unable to, or if it's because he's too much of a pussy. Normally, this is where I would join in and get some rage out of my system, but something about this fight doesn't sit right in my stomach.

For one, I fucking hate Logan Haas. He thinks just because his dad is the principal, he can get away with being a dick.

I want to beat his ass, and every time me and Ethan go to do it, Hunter talks us out of it, because it's not worth getting expelled over.

I watch all hope leave his light blue eyes, and something weird snaps inside of me. Before I can think about it, I stalk over to Logan, who has his hand up and curled into a fist, ready to punch this kid again and I put a hand on his shoulder and spin him around to face me. The nerd notices me and I can see his face fall. He probably thinks I'm one of Logan's buddies, and that I'm coming to join in on the fun.

Granted, I'm not one of Logan's buddies, but he wasn't far off on the kicking his ass part.

I've always hated Logan.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now