Chapter 4-weenie

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Warnings ⚠: Child Abuse, Rape, Violence, Religion, Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Use of Slurs, Homophobia, Bullying, Mention of Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Actions, Gun Use

Josiah's P.O.V.
-Thursday, August 26th-

"Hey, Walker!"

Fucking Logan Haas. Again.

What the hell is it with everyone and calling people by their last names here?

"Not right now, Logan." I mutter.

"Yeah, like you have a choice." He grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

"Make it quick."

"Shut up," He scoffs, "What the fuck is going on with you and Cohen?! He said you were his, or whatever the fuck, but he left you alone all day yesterday and today. So, what the hell?!"

"I don't know. He told me that he only said that to fuck with you, because he hates you. Or something." I shrug.

He shoves me against the nearest wall and I wince upon impact.

"He's a dumb-ass anyway..." He mumbles.

"I know," I cut in, "He's just as stupid as you and all the other assholes in this school."

I like to pretend that I don't go around picking fights. A teacher asked me why I let myself get beat up so much and I told them that I'm just too weak to do anything.

Truth is I can't go five fucking seconds without fighting.

"Seriously, shut the fuck up." He warns.

"Or what? What are you going to do to make me stop? I can take a hit, and you know it."

"I know I can make you cry." He argues, moving closer.

"Right, but so can an A-."

He shoves me back again, pinning me to the wall. I look up at him with wide eyes.

He's too close.

Too fucking close...

"I think you owe me an apology." He says.

"I think you should fuck off." I retort.

He lands a punch on my jaw, before dragging me onto the ground and started repeatedly kicking me.

I just cover my head with my arms and wait for him to be done.

As always.

Just wait for it to stop...

He stops after just a minute.

What the hell?

"Look who showed up." He mutters.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear last time, asshole. I thought I told you to leave him the fuck alone."


Damien Cohen... What the fuck is wrong with him? Why is he doing this?

I push myself up a bit, trying to watch them.

"Funny. You don't seem to give a shit about him until I get my hands on him. Is he your boyfriend?" Logan mocks.

That's dumb. I already told him that Damien is just messing with him.

I back off a bit, unsure about what is going to happen here. Maybe I should leave.

Damien immediately approaches him and punches him in the face.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now