Chapter 60--imagine a ninja throwing star it's a spinning house cat at 90 mph.

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Warnings ⚠: Child Abuse, Rape, Violence, Religion, Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Use of Slurs, Homophobia, Bullying, Mention of Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Actions, Gun Use.

Josiah's P.O.V.

-Thursday, November 11th-

I haven't felt more awkward and out of place since Damien first had me staying at his house. It's just so, so strange to be living somewhere else again...and sleeping on a bed and eating whatever I want whenever I want... Really, it's still so much to take in.

Pierre seems nice, so that's a major bonus. He has always been kind and inviting toward me.

Still, I cling to Damien all day and say nothing to him, hating the change in environment.

I don't like the idea of ever letting him go.

Everything is so scary with him being like this...

I just...need him so much. I still don't think he realizes that.

It's some time late at night, after trying to sleep and just worrying about him and needing him, that I decide to go get him.

I don't think it's really safe to let him stay out here on his own. Maybe if I tell Pierre what happened, he'll agree. But Damien didn't want me to, so I need to consider the fact that he would be genuinely upset if I gave him the full story.

Damien is asleep, passed out on the couch again.

He fell asleep earlier, too. Within like...five minutes.

I can't imagine how tired he must be.

...Maybe I should leave him alone...?

"Damien," His name slips out of me, so it's too late to turn back and I crouch down by the couch and grab his shoulder, "Hey, can you come stay with me, at least for tonight?"

He doesn't budge, so I shake him a bit and repeat myself a couple times as he awakens.

"What?" He questions in a groggy voice.

"I'm scared. I don't want to sleep alone. Come with me."

"M'kay." He mumbles and gets up, half asleep.

I snatch his hand immediately and shift behind him a bit, pressing closely against him. He doesn't seem to notice or care.

He drops down onto the bed as soon as we are in the room.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep..." I mutter knowingly, laying down as far away as possible.

He doesn't reply.

I'm pretty sure he is already sound asleep again. Good. I didn't disturb his sleep too much.

...Who am I kidding? I can't stand the silence right now.

That's a major reason why he's here. That, and I don't want him to run off or anything.

"Damien, c-can we please talk for a little bit?" I whine, pulling on his shirt.

"But I'm sleeping...." He whines right back, burning his face into the pillow

"I can't sleep, though! I'm scared and I don't know what we're doing anymore. I-I just got used to being at your house and c-calling it home, and I... I don't want to be here." I wish I had the ability to stop complaining.

That would be great.

After all, I know Damien is doing the best he can.

"Hey." He says, "Don't worry about it. I'm going to figure all of this out okay? All you have to do is get up tomorrow and go to school. Alright? "

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