Chapter 8- TO BE WRITTEN 2

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Warnings ⚠: Child Abuse, Rape, Violence, Religion, Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Use of Slurs, Homophobia, Bullying, Mention of Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Actions, Gun Use

Josiah's P.O.V.
-March 3rd, 2012-

Alexa and Avery are playing with dolls in the corner. While Avery was managing to completely ignore my dad and her dad arguing, Alexa kept looking over.
I could feel her eyes burning into me.
I stay clinging to my father, burying my face against his neck as he yells.
He isn't yelling at me, though.
For once.
"...You can't be going around selling my son! He isn't yours! Use your own kids! Goddammit, Nick!" He hugs me close.
"My kids aren't boys!" My uncle argues.
"I don't give a shit! Stop, or I'll get the police to make you stop!"
"You call the police and let them take a look at him, you really think they won't notice that you keep trying to kill him?!"
"They won't need to see him! They'll see what you did, because you took pictures and fucking posted them online!"
"He's beautiful! Do you realize how much he sells for? I'll give you half. Since you half made him."
By those standards, he shouldn't get any. Because he played no part in making me. But, where would the other half go, then?
Reasonably, to me. Since I did the work. But that isn't going to happen.
"Get the hell out of my house!"
"He could make so much if you offered him up on-"
"Fuck off!" My father snaps, grabbing his cellphone.
"Fine! Come on, girls." My uncle snatches both his daughters by their arms and starts dragging them out.
Alexa pulls away, probably to grab her dolls that had dropped to the floor as soon as he grabbed them. "Stop hurting Josiah!" She yells at the adults.
Her dad smacks her sharply on her head before picking her up and leaving with her as she kicks and screams.
My father slams the door shut behind them and locks it.
"How dare he hurt my son?" He asks through gritted teeth.
I hug him tightly as he sits on the couch. He hugs back for only a moment before sitting me down beside him.
He grabs my blanket off of the floor. "I leave you with him for two goddamn days and he tries to kill you with my fucking whiskey." He mutters.
"Am I-I in trouble...?" I ask cautiously.
I don't think I broke a rule, but... I barely ever know when I do.
"For once, no. Your uncle isn't supposed to do that to you. Don't let people take pictures of you like that. They use it for bad shit, and they do that because you're a little bitch who..." He trails off, starting to mumble.
"Mommy took pictures." I remind him.
"Mommy took good pictures. She...took pictures of you that are so full of love. Not lust and greed. Your mom loved you."
"It's okay with love, then?" I assume.
"No one's ever going to love you again." He balls up the blanket and throws it at me before standing.
He's right.
Why do I keep thinking I have the potential to be loved?
The only reason my mother ever loved me is because she had to. Because she was my mother.
I hear him get a glass and pour some sort of alcoholic drink in.
Probably the yucky whiskey.
"Never say no to someone older than you. But, don't give people digital evidence that you're a whore like your cousins. No pictures. Okay?"
"How can I s-stop if they want t-to?" If I can't say no...
"I don't know. You're smart. Maybe one of your books will tell you."
"My books are about languages and animals...?" I point out.
He sits by me again. "I was wrong. You're a dipshit," He holds his drink in front of my face, "You can say no on one occasion. If it's something someone else wants you to do that daddy told you not to. Right now, I'm telling you not to be a whore. New rule."
I blink a few times before nodding.
That sounds reasonable.


-Tuesday, August 31st, 2021-

Ever since I got home, I've been curled up in the corner with my blanket, reading from my book about snakes.
If my aunt didn't threaten to kill anything I brought home, I would already have a snake. I think I would name him Chip. Like a chocolate chip. Either than or Berry, or Pancake, or... Noon.
I think Noon is cute. Probably better for a plant, though. Like spring flowers.
I go to get a pen to record this information, about the flowers, but I immediately find that my backpack isn't set by my chest of clothes anymore.
I glare at Avery, who is laying on the couch, with her phone. Probably texting every boy at school.
"What did you say?!" She questions sharply.
I shouldn't have said that. I'm in trouble now.
"I called you a whore. Where's my bag?"
"Josiah! Shut the fuck up!" My aunt snaps at me.
"Why would you call her that?!" Alexa asks.
She is sitting with my aunt, drinking wine and smoking, as usual.
I don't know what whore means anyway. It's bad and it's associated with wanting sex. I know that much, but not the definition.
"Because she hid my bag again." I say.
"I wouldn't do that if you weren't a blind fag who's so fun to mess with!" Avery argues.
I cannot be insulted, because I don't know what that means, either.
Fag, faggot... I hear it at school, but all I know is that it's a really bad word. To the point where I don't want to say it.
"Avery Nicole Walker," Alexa takes on a serious tone, "Stop that. Give him his bag back."
Oh. She pulled out the middle name.
The feminine form of their father's name. I'm sure it's Alexa's middle name, too. Because it's how this generation in my family works, for some reason.
If I was a girl, I would be Adriana Tomi Walker. Fun fact.
"I'm not going to now! He called me a whore!"
"He's not wrong. Give it back."
I stare over in Alexa's direction for a moment, confused. I don't know why she would defend me like that.
Next thing I know, my backpack is chucked at me. I barely catch it once it hits me.
"Apologize to me." Avery commands.
"I'm the boss of you. Go sit outside until I let you back in."
"You're not. You're younger than me."
"Hey! You listen to her. Get the fuck out." Aunt Dahlia orders.
"...May I bring my stuff with me?" I ask softly.
"No. When Avery lets you back in, you can't have anything, either."
"What about my blanket?"
It's starting to get cold out. I wouldn't doubt that it's around 60°F right now.
Just low enough to be uncomfortable during an extended amount of time.
"No. Get out."
I get up and go to the door immediately.
I just hope Avery lets me back in sometime tonight...
I don't like being locked outside overnight.


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