Chapter 30. Burning

Start from the beginning

"Do you speak of this?" He shut the journal with a slam, peering up through his eyebrows.

I reached my arm out in front of me, summoning the journal. The leather flew out of his hand and into mine wordlessly.

"Yes, I do."

I turned on my heels, an eerie sensation following me. Why, why did he have the journal? How much does he know? Why? Why? Why?

Can I trust you, Severus Snape?

Harry Potter

"Ron! Ronald fucking Weasely!" I barged through the doors to our dorm. "I asked her. I asked her and she said yes!"

"You're mad, you know that?" He sat up, putting his wand onto his nightstand.

"This is a big deal, Ron. Of course I'm mad. Neveah makes me lose my mind, I swear it." I huffed, pacing the room with a plastered grin. "I have a chance. I truly have a chance."

"Yes, yes. Neveah this, Neveah that. Honestly I don't know what I would've done if she'd said no. Listening to you ramble on about her for ages." He wasn't exaggerating. "Well then, don't ruin your chance. What's the plan?"

"Well- shit I didn't think I'd get this far." I froze in thought. "Gotta run!"

For hours I was preparing for a single day with Neveah. No amount of time could have me ready. I was a bundle of nerves ready to explode at any second.

Neveah and I apparated not far off from Hogwarts, the castle still in view over the tall hill. We walked side by side and I felt the burning sensation in my hand, itching to touch hers.

"Will you tell me what we're doing here?" She walked backwards facing me.

"It's a surprise, I told you that already." I chuckled, pushing the fire in my hands into my pocket. "Alright, close your eyes." I said once we reached the top of the hill.

"You know I don't do well with surprises, Harry." She hesitantly closed her eyes and waited in place.

"It'll be worth it I promise!" I shouted in the distance, making sure everything was in the perfect place. Merlin, I hope I didn't over do it. "Okay, you can look."

Placed at my feet was a red picnic blanket filled with a dozen activities. Snacks I stored in the basket were now sprawled across the ground in bowls and on plates. Neveah's favorite books make a neat stack in the corner next to the paint and canvases. The weather was perfect and the view was impeccable. Everything had fallen into place. The final test? Neveah's approval.

"Do you like it?" No reply. "It's too much, isn't it? I'm sorry, we can just head back-"

"Harry." My name barely left her lips as she touched them with her fingertips. "Harry..."

She whispered my name like a song. Left completely speechless. I couldn't tell whether her words were from awe or pain. Perhaps both. I wondered if I should reach out.

"Come on, let's eat." I smiled, gesturing to the blanket. "It's all fresh so I hope you're hungry."

"How'd you know my favorite book?" She smirked, taking another bite of fruit.

"You have a new one every week. But on occasion, I noticed this one had been in your hands more than once." I looked away, hoping she wouldn't find it weird. "I've just started reading it actually."

"Merlin Harry..." She shook her head with a half smile. "How will we ever get anywhere if you continue to leave me speechless?"

"I have a few ideas." Her eyes looked up in surprise and I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. "Read to me?"

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