New Orleans

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Hello my lovelies, I hope you're having a wonderful day. Please enjoy this chapter!

When she felt ready, she headed to the location Elijah had sent her

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When she felt ready, she headed to the location Elijah had sent her. It was a large mansion. The witch stared in awe at it. It was larger and better looking than she imagined. Rowan took a deep breath before ringing the bell. It took a few moments for the door to be opened. A tall man stood before the witch. His hair was spiked up and a cocky smile adorned his face. "Hello, Darling. How can I help you?"

Rowan's eyes widened and she smiled at her host. "Hello, I'm Rowan Gilbert," she greeted and extended her hand. It was now the man's turn to be startled but he recovered his smirk. He pulled Rowan's hand and turned it to place a kiss on her palm.

"So you're the wonderful Rowan Gilbert. Kol Mikaelson, the most handsome brother," greeted the Original. Rowan chuckled at Kol's antics.

"May I come in?" She said and he gestured for her to enter.

"Of course, you're our honourable guest," he replied and guided her inside. The witch realised he was still holding her hand and she stopped.

"Ehm, Mr Mikaelson, may I have my hand back?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. The man turned to her and stared at their held hands before reluctantly letting go.

"It's Kol Darling, no need to be so formal with me and I was just hoping to guide you," he said cockily. Rowan wanted to roll her eyes but decided against it and they continued into the massive courtyard at the centre of the mansion. There, Rowan found Elijah, Finn and Sage sitting at the benches. They stood up at her entrance.

"Hello," said the witch with a smile.

"Good afternoon Rowan, I trust your trip was okay?" Said Elijah as he approached her.

"It was okay, thanks for asking," replied the witch.

"Good afternoon, I'm Finn," greeted the eldest Mikaelson brother. He and Rowan shook hands.

"And I'm Sage, Finn's wife," said the redhead. Rowan's mouth opened slightly in surprise but she gave a huge grin.

"Nice to meet both of you. Damon says hi," she told Sage.

"Damon? You know Damon Salvatore?" The older woman asked with a smile of her own.

"I'm from Mystic Falls," explained the witch.

"Has he reunited with the woman he loved?" Sage asked with hope in her eyes.

"It's gotten complicated, I think he's moving on," the witch informed. Sage sighed with an understating nod.

"Well, I hope you make him happy," Rowan nearly sputtered at the words. If she had been drinking something she would've splattered it all over Sage.

"Oh god no! He and I are not like that..." defended the witch, holding her hands up and waving them in rejection.

Rowan Gilbert Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now