30. Forever and more.....

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Kong's POV------

It was a long day for me, I am so damn tired right now and when I pull up in front of the cottage I am so glad to be home finally, working all day and having classes all evening has worn me out, not to mention I miss Arthit terribly.

Light is shining from the windows. Arthit must still be awake.

When I open the door, the last thing I expected meets my eyes.

Arthit is sitting on the couch and..... A porn is playing on the TV.

He turns as soon as he hears me shut the door and his eyes hold mine. I don’t know what to say besides

"What are you doing Arthit ??"

Arthit looks surprised at the tone in my voice and shuts the television off immediately.


I try to ask what he is doing, but I seem to have lost my ability to do so.

"Bright.......he.......he gave this DVD to me. He said......it would......help me figure...... figure out what to do"

Arthit’s face turns a brilliant red as he looks to the floor.

I step closer to him and take his hand, apologetic for my sudden outburst.

"Hey, it’s okay, I was just surprised"

"I.....I wanted to know more. What it looks like....what it sounds like...."

He fidgets while he speaks, like he is afraid to confess this to me.

"I assume by 'it' you mean 'sex' Why didn’t you just ask me if there were things you still wanted to know ?? And, just so you know, porn isn’t a great representation of, what sex between a couple in love will be like"

Arthit’s face looks like he is thinking about my words, and his expression turns smooth and somewhat confident when he leans in and kisses me lightly on the mouth.

"Then you show me Kong"

All I can do is stare at him. Is he really saying what I think he is saying ??

"Kong ?? Did I say something wrong ??"

Arthit asks when I still haven’t spoken, his confidence wavering.

'No..... No"

I assure him, still not sure what to make of this new side of Arthit. I want to take this next step, but I was waiting for him being ready.

"Are you sure Arthit ??"

He leans in and kisses me slow and deep before pulling his mouth from mine, washing away any fear or doubt.

"Yes"  is all he says.

There is no need for words as we walk hand in hand towards the bedroom.

Arthit’s lips find mine again as soon as the bedroom door closes.

He has undressed me before and his fingers are sure as they move over my body, removing one piece of clothing at a time.

When I am bare, he stands back at arm’s length and looks me up and down.

His eyes tell me more than any words could. He wants me......
All of me.

I close the distance between us, wanting to feel his naked skin against my hands.

His clothes soon join mine on the floor.

His heart hammers against my hand when my palms touch his chest, reflecting my own nerves.

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