18. Daizy...

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It's been two months since Arthit started seeing Gulf and Mew, and his speech was improving daily. They feel he has come far enough to begin exploring some of his memories. Mew warned Kong and Rose, not to get their hopes up, everything won't come at once. He told them it's a process, and some things may never come back to him, but he believe Arthit was ready to start telling what he can

After Arthit's appointment last week, Gulf spoke with Rose and Kong, wanting to arrange a longer session...one they both need to attend with Arthit

"Kong, you okay ??"

Arthit's hand reached for Kong, as he made his hundredth pass in front of Arthit

Kong seek comfort in his touch, steadying his breathing, he replied

"Yes, I'm just anxious"

He can't even explain to Arthit why he was anxious. He knew Arthit can understand, but he dosen't want him anymore nervous than he already was

"Please sit down, you are driving me crazy"

That's the harshest Kong has ever heard Rose speak, and he couldn't blame her. They were both on edge today


Kong said, throwing an apologetic smile at Rose, over his shoulder

He perched on the chair next to Arthit, bopping his knees to channel his nerves

"You may go in now"

Receptionist's voice broke the silence of the room

Kong jolted up, rubbing his sweaty palms over the legs of his jeans before following Rose into the office

The interior was more colorful than he expected. Kong had assumed Mew's office would be calm and understated, reflecting his personality. Instead he could see Gulf's influence everywhere, from the rich, warm of the burnt orange walls to the worn Mexican rug on the floor

"Please sit down, Everyone.
Would anyone like anything to drink before we start ??"

Gulf welcomed them graciously into the office

Rose and Kong both wave off Gulf's query, but Arthit requested a glass of milk and a candy bar.......
Setting them all to laughing, taking the edge off Kong's nerves

They settle onto the overstuffed couch, Arthit in the middle content with his snack

"How are you today, Arthit ??"

Mew asked, sitting on his chair from other side of the table

Arthit took a bite of his candy bar, chewing slowly, chasing it with a mouthful gulp of milk before answering. Kong could see from the look on his face that he was considering Mew's question. Arthit has come so far in the time he has been working with Gulf, but he still has times where finding the right words evades him

"I am good"

It took several weeks of constant reminding to get Arthit to use I, and there are still times, like today, Kong can see he struggled using it

"Could you tell me a little more ?? Are you happy ??
Tired ??
Cold ??"

Gulf has mentioned to Kong and Rose that they should try and engage him in more thoughtful answers, not just generic ones

"I am sleepy...and happy"

Gulf smiled widely from where he was observing, a look of pride on his face

He and Arthit have worked hard to drill the concept of first person into his head

"Tell me about your typical day, Arthit ??"

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