3. Bonding

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Kong has decided to stay with Arthit and leave the Archeology camp. It's been three days since he found Arthit and brought him to Roger's house.

Today Kong was going his home, he needs to have a talk with his dad about finding Arthit and leaving the camp.

"Are you sure you'll be okay with him?"

Kong asked Roger for the fourth time.

"Yes. I think Arthit realizes I am no danger to him. You can't be here for him every second Kong"

Kong knows Roger was telling the truth, but Arthit was so needy and Kong's presence seems to comfort him. Kong felt like he was abandoning him.

"Really, Kong. We will be fine. Do what you need to do, take your time"

Roger said hugging Kong goodbye.

Kong reluctantly waved to Arthit, who was sitting happily on the couch, looking at the soft ball in his hands.


"Kong! You are home ??"

" Yes Dad "

Kerkerai asked when he saw Kong entering the house with his backpack.

"I thought you still had a couple of weeks left to your archeology camp"


Kong whispered

To his utter surprise, his dad chuckled

" Tired from forests and campings ??"

"It wasn't that, Dad,"

Kong replied

Kerkerai looked at Kong with a furrowed brows, awaiting for his next response

No point in delaying the inevitable.

Kong took a deep breath, hoping it will steady his nerves

"I found a man in a cave I was exploring. He is staying with Roger and I'm going to help, taking care of him"

Kerkerai just stared at him with confused expressions

"What do you mean by.... found a man ??"

Kerkerai asked

"I was exploring with my teammates in the forest and I climbed in to a cave and there was a man in there,"

Kong replied

"Kong, I think I'm missing something here. You say you found some strange man, and he is staying with Roger. My question is why ? Why is he staying with Roger and why are you helping ?"

Kerkerai looked completely baffled,

"He doesn't have anyone, Dad. He doesn't speak, he barely has any civilized skills...I think he is feral"

Kong told him quietly

"You should have called police, He could be dangerous."

"He isn't dangerous. He's sweet...and protective."

His dad narrowed his eyes

"What do you mean he's protective ??"

" When I found him, I called Roger on the radio. He came to the cave and Arthit tried to protect me from him.....from Roger"

"You're calling him Arthit ??"

His dad asked

"That's his name...he told me."

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