27. New Job....

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Kong and wad were sitting in a coffee shop, Wad was talking non stop from last half an hour but Kong was lost in his own world.

"Earth to Kong...."

Wad’s fingers snap in front of Kong's eyes, bringing his attention back to his face.

"So ?? What do you say ??"

Wad’s face has a pleading, expectant look and Kong felt bad that he has no idea what he was talking about.


Wad eyed him with suspicion, he knows Kong wasn’t listening.

"Club Moonlight..... This Saturday... Any of this ringing a bell ??"

Kong's first instinct was to say no, but something stopped him and made him consider Wad’s words. Arthit is a grown adult and becoming more aware of that fact everyday, Kong has no right to speak for him.

"I will talk to Arthit and see what he thinks"

"Really ??"

Wad was genuinely surprised. Kong realised he assumed, Kong would just answer for them both, and that kind of bothered Kong. He don’t ever want Arthit to feel he doesn’t have choices in his life.

"Yeah. Who knows it might be fun"

Wad patted Kong's shoulder with gleeful expression before setting his chin on his folded hands, eyes inquisitive.

"Spill the beans buddy.... Why are you so distracted ??"

Kong can feel the smile cross his face at the memory of the last several nights. His hands on Arthit.... Arthit's hands on him.....

"Just thinking about Arthit"

"Uh..huh, and what about him ??"

Not a chance Wad was giving this up.

"He is been coming down to the cottage every night for the past several days…and staying all night with me"

Wad was leaning on the coffee shop table, anticipation practically oozing out of him.

"And ??"

He all but yells, causing several people to look their way. Wad ignores the stares, all of his attention was focused on Kong.

"Come on, Kong. I know there is more than that. You are just teasing me to see if my head will explode"

Kong shook his head at Wad, he is too much sometimes.

"Well, I am not giving you any details. I will only say we did sleep in the same bed. Nothing more"

Wad was giving a stink eye to kong.... demanding for more details

Kong knew he was expecting more, but Kong wanted to keep exactly what’s between Arthit and him... private right now.

Wad shoots him, his stink-eye across the table when Kong dosen’t speak.

"Fine, keep your secrets, but that off-in-dreamland look doesn’t come from just snuggling or cuddling my friend"

All Kong could do was smile at him and go back to sipping his coffee.


Arthit's POV------

"Stop !! Stop !! Oh God..... Arthit !! Hit the fucking brake !!"

Prem is gripping the door handle, his face is white, and he looks frightened.

I feel…alive. My heart beats fast and my stomach is tight, but it feels good and I want to go faster.

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