17. Fishing....

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Kong was Sitting on the porch, listening to the creaks of the wood as he rocked back and forth in an old, comfortable rocking chair, waiting for Roger to arrive. The crunch of tires on gravel draws his eyes to the black Mercedes pulling up the driveway

'Who's that in the passenger seat with Roger ??'

Kong looked more closely and was shocked to see his father

'Dad ?? Why didn't he tell me??'

Kong was quivering with excited energy as he waited for the car to stop. As soon as the vehicle paused, Kerkerai hopped out and held Kong in a tight embrace before Kong's mind could even catch up to the fact that his dad was actually there

"Dad !! I can't believe you're here!! Why didn't you let me know you were coming??"

Kerkerai released Kong and held him at arms length

"Wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you"

A giggle behind him draws Kong's attention and he turned to see Rose with her hands clamped over her mouth, fighting a huge smile

"How long have you known ??"

"Two weeks...."

Kong couldn't hide his grin, he was thrilled to find his dad in front of him

Arthit shuffled to Kong's side, his hand finding a resting spot on the small of Kong's back

"Hello..... Sir"

Kerkerai's surprise at Arthit's greeting was clear on his face

"Hello,Arthit. Nice to see you again"

When Arthit offered nothing in return Kerkerai gave Kong a questioning look, to which he simply respond with a shrug. Even though Arthit was making excellent progress with speaking in sentences and picks up new words daily, there were still many social customs that elude him

After a moment of awkward silence, Rose ushered all of them inside the house for dinner

Conversations were easy once they were all settled around the table. Kerkerai and Roger told them about the nerve wracking long journey of their's to reach Viang. and Rose and Kong filled them in, on Arthit's progress in last few weeks

"So they have him working on reading ??"

Roger questiond, seeming truly in awe

"He just started on the alphabet this week and some simple word recognition, like his name. Gulf wanted us to start having him watch television with closed captioning to give him context for the words. he believes that will be more helpful to him than beginner reading books"

Rose explained

"Have you tried that yet ??"

Roger asked

"Not yet, but I'm hoping to this week"

"How long are you going to be here, Dad ??"

Kong jumped in

"At least a couple of weeks. Got to spend some time with my only son. Oh God....can't even remember the last time I took off from work, though I am the boss in my office"

Kong was excited by the idea of spending some time with his dad. It's been a while since they just hung out together

"What's there to do around here, Kong ??"

"I'm actually not sure. I haven't gotten out much dad "

"What do you say to exploring with your old man tomorrow ??"

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