28. Everything....

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Arthit POV -----

"I am scared, Kong. I don’t want to be in trouble"

Kong squeezes my hand and I notice his eyes are distress when he looks at me.

"I know Arthit. I don’t want you to get in trouble either. It will be okay. Roger will help you"

Kong’s words don’t make me feel better. It feels more like he is talking to himself than me.

"Arthit, they are ready for you now"

The secretary speaks softy and smiles at me.

Kong kisses me on the lips and whispers

"I will be right here. I love you Arthit, No matter what"

I hug Kong tight, pressing my face to his neck, wishing I didn’t have to go into that office.

Kong lets me go and steps back. He tries to smile, but I know he is worried.

I walk through the door, marked Hospital Administrator, my nerves making me feel ill.

Mr. Alan, the hospital administrator, watches me enter and motions for me to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I sit in the only chair left; Paul is sitting in one, Roger in another.

I am glad I get to have Roger in here with me. He will make sure I don’t mess up.

"Alright, gentlemen, I think we need to examine the events that occurred recently to determine exactly what happened"

Mr. Alan slides a piece of paper across the desk.

"Paul has lodged a complaint against you, Arthit. He states that you struck him in the face without provocation. Is this true ??"

I feel panic twisting my stomach, I didn't understand what Mr. Alan means, and look to Roger. He leans close and speaks where only I can hear

"Provocation means reason. Did you have a reason for hitting Paul ??"

"Yes. I had a reason"

I inform Mr. Alan. I look to Roger again and he nods at me. Kong and I already explained everything to Roger, and he told me it’s very important that I explain everything to Mr. Alan.

I tell him about my first day. I tell him about the jokes and how I didn’t understand them, and Paul giving me the name Special Ed. I tell Mr. Alan about Kong explaining how Paul was making fun of me, how I had asked him to stop, and how I had been ignoring him. Finally, I tell him about the day I punched Paul. How it was a regular day, he teased, I ignored. I tell him about Kong coming to take me home and Paul laughing at the idea of Kong being my boyfriend. I explain how Paul called me Special Ed in front of Kong and about the snapping inside me and hitting Paul.

Mr. Alan doesn’t say a word while I talk. He doesn’t smile or frown, just watches me and listens. He looks at Paul.

"Is everything Arthit said true ??"

Paul squirms in his chair, looks at the floor and doesn’t answer.

Mr. Alan looks annoyed.

"Mr. Paul Lahote, will you please answer the question ??"

Paul shifts again and looks up.

"It’s true"

Mr. Alan sighs loudly, looking back and forth between Paul and me.

"I should fire you both, but your supervisor spoke highly of both of you, and I don’t have people beating down my door to work here"

He sighs again and begins shuffling papers across his desk.

Untamed (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें