࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 52 ࿏

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Tommy wasn't aware of what his family was hiding but he had grown suspicious of the behaviour; his friends, Eryn, Freddie and Beau told him he was crazy for thinking they were hiding something; even if they were mildly suspicious themselves but he knew better. For the past three years, Wilbur had been leaving the house at the dead-ass crack of night and Techno only in the past two.

The small drug dealing business Phil and his sons had been doing have grown drastically. They had managed to recruit some people to join them and were now on the radar of the police; Phil was thankful the one time he was arrested was before a warrant came out for his arrest. Though what they were doing was bad, neither of the Watson boys could find it in themselves to hate it.

Techno had found a use for all his years in fencing classes, dropping out of them and turning to be any guard their people may need. He never shied from a fight. Phil, while opposed to it at first, quickly understood he wouldn't be able to stop his oldest so he did the next best thing; illegally ordered some weapons so Techno could take his pick.

Once word got out about the shipment, they started to sell illegal gear. They grew more and more. Techno and Wilbur both dropped out of school and things they couldn't afford before, they could now. Tommy was told that his dad had a good job and that his older brothers were helping him... he called bullshit.

"Be safe," Wilbur called out, his father only chuckling at his response before the door shut. The three sons remained in the kitchen, Tommy and Techno sitting at the island on barstools and Wilbur cleaning the mess he made making food for his younger brother.

"Where's Dad going, Wilby?" Tommy asked, pushing a piece of macaroni around his bowl. Techno grunted with an eye roll, leaning forward on his hand and continued his book. The brunette smiled softly as he turned to look at his brother, his blue eyes looking up at him.

"Just doing some things for work"

"But what does he do?" The blonde pestered on. He was tired of being kept in the dark. "You guys never told me" he pouted, hoping it would do something for his case.

"It's because you don't need to worry"

"I'm tired of being kept in the dark..." the preteen slightly yelled, lightly hitting his fist into the countertop.

"Tommy..." Wilbur warned. As much as he loved his brother, he didn't want him caught up in this mess. They planned to keep him out of the loop as long as they could but clearly, they couldn't keep it up for long— Tommy's friends were even mildly suspicious of the olders.

"I'm tired of this shit!"


"Fuck you!" He screamed as he got up, abandoning his pasta and running up the stairs and ignoring Wil's calls for him. The door slammed closed, a sigh escaped the younger twin's lips as he turned and leaned his back against the counter.


"You sure?" nineteen-year-old Wilbur took the baggy of methamphetamine away from the blonde girl, the small plastic bag in between two of his fingers. One hand in the pocket of his jumper and a neutral expression across his face. The younger girl nodded her head, she would've had to be just older than Tommy. Wil could've had a conscience of selling drugs to a sixteen-year-old girl who was his brother's age but then again, his younger brother was part of their growing empire.

The Watson's were at the top of the crime world, no one dared to challenge them.

Wil slowly lowered the bag, taking the wad of cash from the teenager. Without his face shifting, he watched her nod again before leaving, stuffing the bag into the pocket of her school uniform blazer as she made her way out of the alleyway. The brunette let out an irritated sigh as he began to walk out onto the sidewalk and make his way to his family's building.

The man walked down the street, passing people who had no idea what sort of person he was. The Watson's were becoming a household name, the police always on their tail but yet never getting close enough to do anything. Tommy was being homeschooled by a college student named Sam who had taken the job offer from Phil and other people who worked under the family. The blonde had found a friend who was the younger cousin of an allied gang and the two had become close, an inseparable duo and had recently taken a liking to an orphan who was recently brought in from the streets.

Wilbur would be lying if he said that the past five years were shit because, well, they were pretty awesome. No one in their family regretted what they have created. Once they came clean to Tommy, they took on the true title and began to live the lives of criminals. They sold their home and moved into the club which Phil was able to buy as their headquarters. While it was no secret, the police knew storming in there would be a death sentence because it was proven that the family were not afraid to kill.

While Tommy wasn't exactly excited to hear about his family's drug business, he didn't turn away and run the other way. He stayed and at age fourteen gave into the family business and began to train with weapons and started to show an interest in drag racing. Wilbur took the chance to teach his younger brother how to drive and Tommy was a natural. He loved the adrenaline of racing down the streets.

All in all, their lives, while they were down the wrong path and were heading to hell, was pretty good. They all enjoyed the rush it gave them and no one regretted it, not even the fifteen-year-old.

Wilbur smirked to himself, a sense of accomplishment and smugness coming over him as he walked into his family's building. His younger brother sat at the empty bar with his tutor looking over some simple math equations. Until he was sixteen, Tommy was required to participate in school. Techno and Phil walked out of the elevator; both on their way to a meeting for illegal armed weapons, the father smiling at his brunette son.

Yeah, Wilbur loved his life.


Words: 1,764

Any clue who the blonde girl is? ;))

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