Chapter 48 ~ Happiness

Start from the beginning

"Grandma? I'm here." I said, rushing over to where she was sitting, looking just as healthy as she used to.

"Ah, there you are." She sniffed loudly, placing a hand on her chair to help her stand up. "I heard of what you did. I'm quite proud."

"Yes, about that." Interjected my mother. "I really am proud of you, but you said you wouldn't get into trouble. Look at you now."

"Asaru! Really now! Do you not see what your child has just went through? I told you to stop being so overprotective!" Scolded my grandmother, lightly hitting my mother on her arm.

"Oh but Mama, look at her. So hurt. You're staying here for good, right? You won't leave me again, ok?" She said, reaching over to envelop me in a tight hug.

"I'm going to be here a lot more often. But-" I sighed, feeling a little bit guilty. "I'll have to see my friends every now and then too. And I still have to reconnect with all my old ones. I have duties now too. Oh, and also, I might have gotten proposed to."

"You what? You said no, right?"


"Oh no. Not my baby. You can't be getting married so young. You still have so much ahead of you. Don't rush in to this so quickly."

"I know. It's going to be fine. I promise."

"You promised you wouldn't get hurt." She gently rubbed my arms, her hand holding my face in a scared way, as if she was afraid I was going to crumble beneath her touch. Her voice was hushed and hoarse, raw with emotion, the voice of someone who was mourning. "Look at you now."

"I know."

"You got so hurt. I can't let it happen again. I can't lose you again."

"I know. But you have to let me go. I'll always be there."

"You can't say that!"

"I promise it."

"You said that last time." She said, placing her forehead against mine. "Please stay here. Don't leave."

"I can't." I began explaining, taking her cold hands in mine. "I won't always be right besides you. It's too late for that. But I'll do my best to always be close by."

"...Hey mom, can we finish our puzzle?"

My mother turned to look at Zuri, a smile making it's way on her lips. "Of course, darling. I'll be right there."

And so, the two of them sat down together, finishing their puzzle. I joined them, curious of what was the picture they were trying to make.

Do you know what it was?

It was a cherry tree, blossoming as they did in the spring. The beautiful petals danced in the air of the frame frozen in time, the picture only half completed, although I could tell what it was supposed to be.

I helped them with a few pieces, fitting them into their places.

"Hey, Zuri."

"Yeah?" She asked, her red eyes looking at me curiously.

"Watch this." I said, forming a white flame in my hand and making it dance around.

"Ooh." She gasped, watching it intently. "How did you do that? Mine is only red."

She created a tiny red fire in the palms of her hands, showing it to me.

I chuckled. "Trust me, I think that your fire is just as good as mine is. Besides, it isn't worth all the trouble."

"Oh..." She shrugged, returning to her puzzle.

I spent the whole night with them, my father eventually coming back home. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore, played until we got bored of it, laughed until our sides ached.

That night, when I went up to my room, the room I hadn't touched in a whole year, the thin layer of dust on all the objects only proving that I had been absent for a while, I felt at home.

I snuggled into the bed I hadn't slept in for a year, the comforting sight of the wall of my room a welcome feeling of belonging.

I was happy.

So, so happy.

And as midnight passed, I sighed in contentment.

"Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me..."

Hey everyone! Believe it or not, that was the last chapter!

I'm going to avoid getting all emotional and deep here, because I wanted to write a more formal goodbye.

Just for this book at least. Since I was always there in the authors notes, I thought it would be appropriate if I were to have one really long one at the end.

But for now, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and, well, the book!

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