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I was getting ready the words were still running in my 'i am marrying her for her sake and for my heirs' i just can't get the words out of my head i heard a knock mum opened it to see mia and lia "ooh dears how are you" mom asked them "fine Mrs. Crypas, how are you" mia asked "good dear" mom answered "can you please gelp her dear i have more works" mom asked "sure" said lia with a large smirk in her face "your dress look good let me do your hair" said mia "and i will do your makeup" said lia i just nodded.

After 30 minutes

"Girls are you done" i heard mom ask from out side as the door was looked from inside "yes Mrs

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"Girls are you done" i heard mom ask from out side as the door was looked from inside "yes Mrs. Crypas coming" said lia and opened the door my mom smiled proudly "you look absolutely beautiful dear you should come downstairs the priest is here" i nodded before mia pulled my veil into my face "so can we go nowwww" lia asked "sureee" i said giggling.

The marriage was in the backyard mia and lia let my hand to my dad and my dad walked me in the aisle and stoped before giving my hands to him i nearly jerked at the warmth of his hand while my hands was so cold and priest spoke making me come out ...

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The marriage was in the backyard mia and lia let my hand to my dad and my dad walked me in the aisle and stoped before giving my hands to him i nearly jerked at the warmth of his hand while my hands was so cold and priest spoke making me come out of my thaught "you may take your vows now" he said "I Tom Marvolo Riddle take thee Yn Daniel Crypas as my wife, to have and hold, from this day forward. For better, for worst, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and cherish, as long as we both shall live." Riddle finished "I Yn Daniel Crypas take thee Tom Marvolo Riddle as my husband to have and hold, from this day forward. For better, for worst, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and cherish, as long as we both shall live."

"Bride and Groom, you have each choosen to be joined in marriage today the bible states; two are better than one; they receive good reward for their toil, because, if one fails, the other can help the companion up again. In my presence and in presence of your family and friends, you have exchange your vows and made promises. You have opened your hearts for each other, declared your love and friendship, and have united your self with the exchanging of rings. Therefore, with the blessings of God, it is my pleasure to now pronounce you as Mr. And Mrs. Riddle.  You may exchange your ring's now."

He said Riddle pulled out the wedding ring pulling it to my hands i did the same "You may kiss your bride now."

'What no i am not going to kiss a jerk' before i could think further he moved my veil from my face and kissed me his lips was warm to i kissed him back the warm sensation made me want him more my hands travelled to his face to cup his cheeks he bite my bottom lip so i pulled away 'shit why did i even kiss him, he proved him as a jerk again, my life is gonna be a living hell for sure' i thaught "no worries babygirl ofcourse it will be a living hell" whispered Riddle in my ear and moved away from me claps and applause were heard i looked at my feet to drop a single tear i quickly wiped it off.

After 10 minutes
It was time for family speech first was five "I toast my sister to honor her wedding day, but more important in memory of the years we have spent together. My heart is filled with unspeakable pride. The memories of all we shared will be with me always. I love you, sister; you will be part of my life forever." he finished making me cry he walked to me my face was looking at the floor he used his index fingure for me to look up at him, his face sadened at the sight of me crying i hugged him not carring of anything i heard "awws" from everyone i soon pulled away he kissed my forehead now it was mom's time to speak "I raise my glass to toast my daughter Yn . She's dreamed of this day since she was a young girl, and now her dream has come true, complete with her Prince Charming. Yn and Tom , I wish you much love and happiness in your new life together." mom finished as she raised her glass in the air now it was dad he made his way to the stage "I am happy that my daughter is marrying someone as good as my son- in- law and thanks for everyone who had came to this marriage, i don't know much about my daughter as i was in coma for 11 years i just wasted my life sleeping, i thaught she will be my little girl who i saw 12 yrs before a 5 year old girl happy to open a present i just missed everything in my life her first day at hogwarts, her experience at hogwarts, her first love, her favourite teacher, her favourite subject everything, and only thing thays makes me happy now is that atleast i got to see her marriage after i missed everything , i hope you both will happily forever i love you my daughter." He said i smiled as he walked to me he hugged me before kissing my forehead we soon let go it was George Grandpa now to give a speech "You make a beautiful bride my lovely granddaughter, I am surely blessed to see this day, may marriage treat you right my darling I love you." He finished as he kissed my forehead its noe Rowen Grandpa's turn "Happy married life granddaughter, it is such a blessing to me that I could see my granddaughter get married, I'm so fulfilled today. I hope you'll enjoy every bit of it. God bless you dear" he did the same lia came forward for her part of speech "You, my best friend, have always made good times better and hard times easier!" "I don't have words to express nor do I have tears to shed. I don't want to ask for a smile, or a hand to hold. All I need is to be your best friend forever!" she said i smiled and hugged her mia came forward for her speech "I may have lots of friends but you are the only one who is closest to my heart and soul and I will always love you the most in this world....." she finished as she hugged me i saw a blonde a familiar one Abraxas ooh no this day could go any worst i thaught "Groom, you have such a love of life, and I am so happy that you have found a wife to share that love with for the rest of your life. Tonight, we celebrate the union of our two wonderful friends, Bride and Groom. Let us raise a glass in high hopes of happiness for many years to come" he smiled at my direction and gave handshake to his friend and walked of.

Part 2 of this chapter and my meeting with sisters have been canceled because of my brother who has exams this week i sad tho but happy i can write story my exam finishes today and i have 2 week leave to which i am thankful...

Love you guysss....


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