meeting the jerk and truths

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"Yn dear you know the Graunts are coming right" mom asked i nodded "get ready then dear you have to meet them" mom said "why aren't they coming to check dad" i asked "they are but just get ready we need to be perfect and he is your grandpas elder brother in some place your grandpa too" i nodded in response "okay" i said getting up from the couch walking to my room.

I went to the bathroom and took a warm shower after taking a shower i came to my room drying my hair with a towel.

I wore my dress doing my hair with my wand, i let it braid and made some black roses lay in my hair i did a little smokey eye makeup shinning at the corner and some blush and highlighter in the cheeks with some red lipstick wearing a black snaked necklace with black pendant earrings.

I wore my dress doing my hair with my wand, i let it braid and made some black roses lay in my hair i did a little smokey eye makeup shinning at the corner and some blush and highlighter in the cheeks with some red lipstick wearing a black snaked ...

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It was 6.15 they should be here i walked down the stairs my eyes went wide Riddle was there 'shit his middle name is is Marvolo shit shit shit' i thaught as i walked to the living room his eyes fell on me his eyes showed pure anger and hate i gulped 'yn don't do something stupid they are here to get your dad's voice back' i said to myself i bowed before sitting next to my dad, i heard my grandpas voice from behind i looked back to see my grandpa i got up before running to his wide arms for us to hug we came back to our house once dad was waken so i really really missed him as i was used to stay with him for 12 yrs we hugged and pulled back he kissed by forehead i helped him walk to the couch i made him sit near dad before walking to the kitchen to see my mom and elves cooking dinner "mom do you need my help" i asked "yes dear can you just give them this wine please" i nodded before getting the bottel of red wind and 5 glasses of wine glass.

I placed the glasses in the plate placing it in one hand and wine in the other hand i made my way to the living hall five help me by taking the plate and placing it in the tea-table i kept the wine bottel after pouring equal amount in each glass everyone took a glass while i sat near my grandpa, soon grandpa, mavolo and morfin started to speak about spells while five and Riddle spoke i was bored soon it was 7.00 pm mom called everyone for dinner.

I was sitting near five on the other hand him was Riddle sweet talking to my mom and dad "so when are the kids marrying" marvolo asked making me look at him like 'is he crazy i am just 18' i thaught "ooh yaa when is the marraige" morfin asked are they crazy i looked at my mom and dad their eyes were wide as if it could plop out of their sockets "umm can we speak about this later" grandpa said to his brother "and why is that i ask" marvolo said "it's j-just t-" grandpa was cut of by marvolo "no no they need to know the truth" marvolo said i looked at him concern if this old brick is got mad or something "so the truth is Crypas family girl showed wed some one at the age of 18 to whomever their dad show" it made me shoke "and your dad had promised us he will let you marry my grandson in future before you were even born because my son and sandra was engaed but your father begged to marry sandra and it was dealed way long" he made making me double shock me marring Riddle never gonna happen never ever "and if you want your dads voice you should marry my grandson miss yn Crypas i looked at my mom and dad like is this a prank they both nodded "y-yes" i said "what yes dear" marvolo questioned "y-yes i w-will ma-marry you-r g-g-grand-son" i shuttered at the lack of tension "NO I AM NOT MARRYING THIS SLUT" i heard Riddle shout i looked at him tear in my eyes "i am sorry" i said before running from there to my room i locked the door "yn sis it's just he knew the news now too open up please" i heard five said "please at least for dad" he said i opened my dad hugged me before speaking "i am sorry dear" he said "dad your speaking" i said "they made dad speak before you even come downstairs dad thaught he would suprise you" i smiled at my dad "please dear i made a unbreakable vow" dad said "no problem dad i am okay with it just for you but he didn't wanted it" i said "he will marry you dear no worries" i heard marvolo say "thanks" my dad said "no problem" marvolo said "we are going to stay here if you had nothing worring about that" marvolo said making dad qucikly nod his head as yes "so we should countinue our dinner" mom asked "sure" dad said we all came back to see grandpa, Riddle and morfin eating no grandpa was eating while morfin tried to control Riddle i felt angry how dare he call me a slut while he acted like whore using my drunk state i calmed myself down before sitting down near grandpa i hugged him he kissed my forehead i smiled at him before sitting staright with new plate of food...

Hey beauty's and handsome's just a small information Tom will say yes because he thaught he will make yn's life a living hell..

And ofcourse he did read upcoming chapters to know more this is to much to tell i think so yaa...

I know this chapter made any sense just don't block...


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