chapter 21

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Y/n: here we go again. *Sigh* why me?

Class was over and before you know it and while everyone was preparing for the Maid/butler cafe you and ichika were going to do, you were currently at the door of the IS development lab.

Y/n: Here we go again.

You knocked bon the door and no one responded so you knocked again still no answer so you slide the door and it was open and no one was inside.

Y/n: Well looks like everyone is focus on the festivities for the school, might as well try to get some work done before miss temper is back.

You gone to her IS and began to do as much work as you can it was going so well until you heard footsteps coming your way.

Y/n: Looks like miss temper is coming better use the window to get away.

You finished a bit of the code and you open the window and use the mark II back pack and flew out but not before closing the window.

Kanzashi: Huh, the door to the lab is open?

Kanzashi walked towards the door and saw no one there.

Kanzashi: Weird no one would have leave the door open?

She walked inside and gone to her IS and pulled out the program and half of it was almost complete.

Kanzashi: Was someone in here cause I never made these programs yesterday?

She looked at her IS and saw a core that fit perfectly in her IS.

Kanzashi: Okay someone must have been here c-cause I didn't even found the right core!

She pulled out the maintenance screen on her IS and saw that the IS Core was fully charged.

Kanzashi: Okay i-it might be the development team but t-they were still building the byakushiki due to miss Orimura's orders...wait.

(Flash back)

Y/n: Hey I'm here to help build your IS!

Kanzashi: Go away.

Y/n: But wait-Agh My foot?!

(Flash back ends)

Kanzashi: What was his name again? I know that the only males here in this school is Miss Orimura's brothers but which one was it?

She was trying to remember but couldn't and sighed.

Kanzashi: I'll try to find him next time for now let's get back to work.

And so she went back to IS and began trying finish it.

You arrived at your room as you took off your armor.

Jarvis: How's your day sir?

Y/n: Great just have to avoid a very annoying bluenette.

???: Did somebody call my name?

You saw as a girl with blue hair entered your room

Y/n: Who are you and why are you in my room?

Tatenashi: The names Tatenashi sarahshiki and I'm here to collect the fund raiser.

Y/n: ...huh?

Tatenashi: Oh dear did ichika forget to tell you?

Y/n: ...I think he made it when I was unconscious.

Tatenashi: Oh my what happened did you peek on under a girls skirt?

You were a blushing mess trying to make comprehensible words.

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