chapter 11

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Jarvis: sir incoming call.

Y/n: From who?

Jarvis: No idea sir but this person would like to talk to you.

Y/n: Alright, put them through.

Tabane: Hi there (nickname) how's my little billionaire doing?

Y/n: Terrible.

Tabane: What happened?

Y/n: well I got blown up by my own missile, I met Rin again, I hired someone to look after my company cause i have school i thought they'll choose one of my trusted advisors but instead they pick obadiah stane the worst to be pick, he only cares about this making weapons i know it's profitable but i made sure all my science team focus on medicine and solving world problems but instead without a doubt stein redirected the entire science crew into making more weapons, i'm still being hunted down by the phantom task because they want my weapons, my intellect for their own personal use and i know that one of them is...her and and now i'm on a time limit and i just want to drink whiskey & drink all my problems away.

Tabane: seems like mister billionaire has a lot on his plate. Do you want me to help?

Y/n: Big sis tabane, you do remember your also being chased by everyone right?

Tabane: don't worry i'll visit you guys when i have time. So what is this time limit you have?

Y/n: ... It's nothing i was just...stress.

Tabane: come on you can tell bid sis all you want.

Y/n: promise me won't tell anyone.

Tabane: i promised on Chi-Chan's life.

Y/n: *sigh*...i got palladium poisoning.

Tabane: How bad?

Y/n: See for yourself.

You're took off your shirt showing a lot of weird markings around your arc reactor and she looked in fear.

Tabane: how long has it been?

Y/n: about a month. The iron man suits i used increase the speed of the poisoning. So now i only have four days to live.

Tabane: did you find a cure?

Y/n: know all the periodic tables i research all the chemicals i found nothing, nothing seems to be a suitable replacement for this arc reactor. I'm on a time limit here i just want to spend my final moments with my family.

Tabane: i know it's hard that your parents left you guys and to find out that your sister never loved you and your brother and want to make Chi-chan suffer. And it doesn't mean you have to work alone you're still young you have a lot a head of you so don't waste your final moments just regretting the past just focus on your future and then you'll see the progress you made.

Y/n: afraid i won't be able to survive that long i'm on a time limit here so i won't be able to see them grow with me. I'm still afraid to tell them about the palladium poisoning.

Tabane: i have something for you once i get there so don't use those suit until i get there rodger?

Y/n: let's just hope she's doesn't have a missions for me or else i'll be on my death bed sooner than i thought.

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