chapter 15

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Y/n: Alright Don't forget that if there's any ships around I'll get them to safety faster.

Ichika: Sure, there it is!

Y/n: I'll provide cover fire while you two attack it.

Ichika: Thanks.

Houki: No need I have this all under control.

Y/n: Houki there is no time to be cocky.

Ichika: Y/n is right let's do it.

You were at the back firing Repulsor blast to hinder it's escape route while ichika and houki gets closer to it to destroy it. The fight was going well but you notice houki being a bit off lately and wondered why until you heard a horn of a cruise ship and the gospel fired at it which ichika reflected some shots.

Y/n: Ichika I'll be back i got to get them to safety!

Ichika: Hurry we'll cover you!

You turn off your thrusters and quickly descend down to the ship and turned them on. You quickly grabbed the ship and fly the ship away from the fight. The people on the ship were great full for saving them some wants to know what's going on. You only told them a IS is going haywire and you're trying to stop it. You left the cruise ship and saw that ichika was trying to save a poacher ship you saw that houki is not helping ichika at all, you quickly dashed there but he was shot down you quickly grabbed him and houki looked In fear then chifuyu called the mission off.

Time skip brought to you by a chibi you quickly getting ichika to the beach while houki tried to catch up.

You arrived faster and was on the beach.

Y/n: Medic! I need a god damn medic Here!

Chifuyu: Hurry get him stabilize, Now!

You hand ichika over to the paramedics and they quickly go to one of the rooms you also follow to see if he's going to make it.

Rin: What have you done!

Houki: I didn't-

Cecilia: Ichika is unconscious because of you!

Houki: I was-

Rin: And now y/n is going to be worried sick about him.

Houki: Can you-

Cecilia: What do it again to him? No!

They argue for a bit until chifuyu told them to stand down.

Meanwhile with y/n

Y/n: Jarvis have you found the signal?

Jarvis: Not yet sir still locating it's source.

Y/n: Inform me once you found it.

Jarvis: right away.

You were in the room sitting down seeing ichika unconscious and remember the day he was kidnapped by a terrorist group and how chifuyu asked help from the German military. You sat there and wait until chifuyu came in.

Y/n: I failed my mission on protecting him. And here he is now unconscious because I was slow to get there in time.

Chifuyu: I know you did but Ms. Shinonono was a bigger part on why he's unconscious as well.

Y/n: ...How is she?

Chifuyu: she's being guilt trip by the others right about 2 minutes ago.

Y/n: ... chifuyu I need you to keep an eye on them.

Chifuyu:  and Where are you going?

Y/n: I'm going to the source of the signal.

Chifuyu: Send it to me and I'll have a team there.

Y/n: No, I need you to watch over the gospel it might still be around and we won't know what it will do.

Chifuyu: As your big sister I order you to wait for my authorization.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll be here for a bit I need to think on something.

Chifuyu: You are not allowed to go anywhere until I say so.

Y/n: I know.

Time skip brought to you by a chibi you sitting down and feeling a great amount of pain in your chest.

It has been a few hours since ichikas accident and you still haven't took off the armor.

Y/n: Sorry bro, but I leave everything in your hands now. I won't be here for much longer.

Jarvis: Sir I have found the source of the signal.

Y/n: give me the coordinates.

Jarvis: Here you go sir but I ask you to wait for your sisters authorization.

Y/n: Jarvis, I want you to delete all files and blueprints related to the iron man suits and give my fortune to ichika, chifuyu, Laura, Rin and Charlotte. This might be my last request from you.

Jarvis: Sir wait-


Y/n: Sorry jarvis but I have to do it. This might be my last time seeing them and if I still have time I might be here to watch them all for one final time.

You open the slide door and you directly go to the sky and follow the source of the signal Jarvis sent you. You saw Rin and the others going after the gospel but you didn't see houki. You smiled to know that they will look out for each other after your gone. You were on top of the island that the source was coming from. You landed behind some crate's and saw a bunch of ninja looking people.

 You landed behind some crate's and saw a bunch of ninja looking people

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Tong: Master mandarin we have sent the gospel again as you wished.

Mandarin: Good now search for the remaining makluan rings while those fools are distracted.

Thong footman: As you wish.

Mandarin: M, I want you and your team to search in china for the reports of the temple that may contain the makluan rings.

M: As you wish my master.

Mandarin: Now don't fail me or there will be consequences.

Everyone: Yes master mandarin!

M: Come autumn we must get there before master is angry.

Autumn: I know, I know. I am well aware unlike your barbaric like personality of yours.

M: Shut the fuck up before I changed my mind.

Autumn: Yeah, yeah. Let's go miss temper.

Y/n: Big sis Madoka?!

You watch as Modaka and her friends left in a helicopter and flew off.

Y/n: What kind of trouble are you in this time.

Thong footman: Hey did you hear that?

Thong footman 2: Yes I did, Stay alert there maybe a intruder in the facility!

Y/n:  Shit, me and my big mouth. But I need to destroy that terminal so the gospel can deactivate, But I need to be careful cause they'll warned there master if I do.

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