Saying Goodbye to My Boys

Start from the beginning

The girls fey moving. Danielle and Eleanor pushing me into the bathroom. Eleanor starts working on my make up while Danielle dries my hair. When Eleanor gets done Danielle starts straightening my hair. When she gets done she pushes me out of the bathroom into Perrie's waiting arms. She hands me the clothes and I quickly change into them.When I get done she hands me my heart diamond necklace and my red bangles. She leaves and I quickly cover them with foundation. I'm surprised the girls didn't notice them. I walk out of the room where Danielle Perrie and Eleanor grab me while Mikaela sprays me with my Country Girl perfume.

"Okay she's ready and we have half an hour left" Danielle says

"It took four hours to get ready?" I ask

"Well you took thirty minutes in the shower" Eleanor says

"Oh" I say sheepishly.

"Come on lets take some pics" Perrie says

So we pose for some pics that Perrie tweets and Niall shows up. At first when we saw the limo pull up the girls push me into the downstairs bathroom. I open my purse and make sure I have my phone and my foundation so if I have to give them a quick touch up.

"Ello ladies" I hear Niall say

"Hello Niall" the girls say

"Um where's Amelia?" he asks

"I'll go get her" I hear Eleanor say

I hear her footsteps and stand behind the door. She opens it and looks in.

"Amelia?" she whispers

I count to five and jump out from behind the door.

"Boo!!" I yell

"Awwwwww!!!!!" she screams

"Oh El your so easy" I say walking past her.

"Hey princess" Niall says hugging me.

"Hey Niallerbear" I sag hugging him

"Niallerbear?" Niall asks

"Yeah your nickname duh" I say

"Oh I like it" Niall says

"Awww they aren't even saying yet and they have cute nicknames for eachother" Danielle says

"Alright you to love birds go have fun on your date" Mikaela says pushing us out the door.

Niall wraps his arm around my waist and guides me through the poprazzi that have gathered outside my house. He opens the back door and helps me in. He tells the paps so bug off and climbs in.

"Niall that wasn't very nice" I say

"What wasn't?" he asks

"The way you told them to leave us could have asked more nicely" I say

"Well well well not only do you look like a princess you act like one to" Niall says

I feel myself blush and look at the ground.

"Don't blush" Niall says

I feel his finger under my chin lifting my head up.

"Niall can I ask you something?" I ask

"What's that?" he asks

"What happens between us when you leave tomorrow?" I ask

I look him in the eye and see him staring back into mine.

"Come with us" he says

"Niall I cant....we just started dating or whatever this is....and my life and job are here" I say

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