That Time Of The Month Again

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Tommy screamed as he quickly woke up, he felt like he was being stabbed in the lower part of his stomach. He then looked down and saw blood all over himself and the sheets. *Great, first day here and it's already gone wrong due to mother nature* Tommy thought as he tried to move but it only made it worse. "AAAAHHAHAHA OW" he yelled. "Tommy what's wrong!" Ranboo said as he rushed into the room with Tubbo behind him. They both then saw the bed. "WTF HAPPENED?!" Tubbo yelled. "A-another month, m-more pain" Tommy whispered, it hurt to even talk. Although none of them had heard him, Ranboo quickly understood. "Oh right! Did we bring anything with us to help?" He asked.

Tubbo then quickly ran over to Tommy and took the cover off him, seeing his pants and jumper was full of blood, as well as the sheets. "DID YOU STAB YOURSELF OR SOMETHING?!" Tubbo said frantically. "No- Tubbo, he's on his period again except this time we don't have Niki" Ranboo quickly said as he ran over to them. "Oh... right" Tubbo said, feeling quite stupid that he didn't guess. "What do we do then?!" Tubbo said as he looked at Ranboo. "Well did we bring anything to help?" Ranboo asked again. "I didn't" Tubbo said as they both looked at Tommy. Tommy had his eyes closed tightly as he held the lower part of his stomach. "I- didn't" Tommy said quietly.

"Ok, I have an idea but Tommy you will need to move" Ranboo said. Tommy then looked at him in pain. "I know I'm sorry but it'll have to do for now, Tubbo go get 2 towels and set out a fresh pair of clothes, comfy ones whilst I help Tommy up" he ordered as Tubbo nodded and was quickly on it. "Can't you- teleport" Tommy said weakly. "Oh! Right! I'll try and teleport there, get what's needed and teleport back after we get you sorted first because teleporting that far away might cause me to pass out" Ranboo said quite worriedly. "Ok" Tubbo said as he rushed back into the room with 2 towels. "Ok, Tommy are you ready" Ranboo said as he slowly hooked his arm under Tommy's and slowly started to lift him up.

"WAIT WAIT STOP" Tommy cried as he felt it get worse. Ranboo quickly put him down and moved away. Tommy cried loudly as he laid there in pain. "I can pick you up if you need" Ranboo offered, he was scared he would hurt Tommy even more. Tommy nodded as he held his eyes shut tight. Ranboo then put his arms under Tommy's back and under his legs, he then started to slowly pick him. Tommy quickly clenched his teeth as he screamed against them. He then started to relax again as Ranboo had stopped lifting him up and was now holding him.

Tubbo quickly laid the 2 towels on the bed and removed the pillows because they also had bits of blood on them. "Niki put you in the shower last time and that looks like the better option right now, would you like to" Ranboo said as he looked at Tommy's face. His face was scrunched up as he nodded. Ranboo then carried him into the bathroom, laid a towel out on the floor with his feet then slowly sat Tommy onto it as he sat against the bottom of the sink. "Do you need any help with anything" Ranboo asked. Tommy shook his head but he desperately needed help, especially now, the pain was a lot worse than last time.

"I'll turn the shower on and I'll set it to a warm temperature ok" Ranboo said as he went over to the shower and turned the taps until it was ok. "I'll be outside helping Tubbo so if you need us then call for us ok" he said as he watched Tommy nod before leaving. *Gotta hurry up and get over it* Tommy thought as he tried to stand up, instantly failing and falling back down with a sound of pain. "You alright" he heard Ranboo shout to him. "Y-yes" Tommy said as he tried again but still fell back down with another sound of pain. "You sure" Ranboo yelled to him. "I-I don't know" Tommy said as he looked down, the white towel was now fully red.

*Great* he thought as he started getting undressed on the floor instead, he then crawled into the shower and sat down under the water as he cried. He then heard a knock on the door. "I've got your clothes here, can I put them on the floor" Ranboo asked from outside the door. "Y-yes" Tommy said quietly. He then heard the door open, he didn't bother to move to hide himself though, he was in too much pain to care. "Wow that's alot of bloody clothes, I'll put the clean ones on the toilet lid instead" Ranboo said as he blocked his view from Tommy with his hand whilst walking over to the toilet, putting the lid down and putting the clothes on top.

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