Mystery Person

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Tommy woke up, his head was banging, it hurt but he chose to ignore it. He got up and got changed into some spare clothes Ranboo had given him. He put on a fresh binder with a t-shirt and big jumper over it, he felt safe. Tommy looked in the mirror, he hated the way his hair looked but couldn't do anything about it.

He stayed there looking at himself in the mirror before there was a knock at the door. "Come in" Tommy yelled. It was Ranboo with a bowl of cereal, he came in and placed it on the desk. "Morning, please have at least a bit of this" he said with a smile. "Ok, thank you" Tommy replied. "Watcha doing" Ranboo asked as he sat down on the bed. "I hate my hair, it's too long" Tommy whined. "Well I can cut it if you want" Ranboo said whilst pointing at the scissors. "Are you sure?" Tommy said with a smile. "Yeah! If you really want to" Ranboo replied with a smile as he grabbed the scissors and stood behind Tommy.

"Where do you want me to cut, I will do my best". "Up to here please" Tommy said. "Ok, just be aware that I might mess up" Ranboo laughed nervously. He started to cut as Tommy's heart was racing, he was very excited to see the finished result.

About 10 mins later, he had finished. "There" Ranboo said with a smile. Tommy opened his eyes to see his perfectly cut short hair, (you choose what it looks like). "THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE IT" Tommy yelled before hugging Ranboo. "It's ok" he laughed.

Tommy then heard footsteps from outside his door. "Who's that?" Tommy whispered. "The mystery person, wanna meet them" Ranboo said with a smile. "S-sure" Tommy said with a stutter, he was very nervous. Ranboo then walked over to the door and opened it slightly before sliding out. Tommy started to think of who it could be. *Well it can't be Techno or Phil. Tubbo? No, why would it be Tubbo?* Tommy thought before the door opened, revealing Tubbo standing next to Ranboo.

"Luna?" Tubbo said in disbelief. "T-Tubbo" Tommy said, also in disbelief. They both just stood there examining each other for a few minutes. "You shouldn't be here, also what happened to your hair?" Tubbo said. "We can talk about that later, also please don't make me go back there" Tommy said as tears started to appear in his eyes.

"But you need to, you got exiled for a reason" Tubbo said as he rose his voice a bit. "Tubbo they will be staying here for a bit and they're never going back to that hell hole, I can explain later" Ranboo said as he walked into the room and stood next to Tommy.

"I-I'm so confused, what happened" Tubbo asked with a shocked face. "W-well Dream likes to beat me and starve me" Tommy said, trying so hard not to burst out crying. "Oh! I had no idea, Luna I'm so sorry" Tubbo said with a sad face. "I-it's ok I guess" Tommy said as he looked at the ground. "Also what's with the hair?" Tubbo asked. "Erm, well" Tommy started to think if he should tell Tubbo or not. He looked up at Ranboo, he gave him the look of "help me". "If you want to tell him then go ahead, he'll support you I promise" Ranboo whispered to him.

Tommy nodded before looking back at Tubbo, "I-I'm trans". "O-oh right, also you can stay here for as long as you need ok, I promise I'm not going to send you back there ever again" Tubbo said with a smile. Tommy did a sigh of relief as happy tears started to enter his eyes. "T-thank you" he said as he looked at the floor. "I've missed you so much" Tubbo said as he ran to Tommy and hugged him. "I've missed you to" Tommy laughed.

"So what's your name" Tubbo asked. "Tommy and my pronouns are he/him, thank you so much" Tommy said with a huge smile on his face. "It's no problem, you should've came here sooner" Tubbo laughed. "I-I'm sorry, he wouldn't let me do anything" Tommy said with a sad face as they separated from the hug. "Don't apologise, I'm sorry for doing this in the first place" Tubbo said, now feeling guilty. "I-it's ok" Tommy said with a smile.

"You guys good now" Ranboo asked, making them all laugh. "Yup" they both replied. "Wait, you said that Dream would starve and beat you, you're quite clearly not ok" Tubbo said as he dropped the smile and looked Tommy in his eyes. "Nah I'll be fine" Tommy laughed nervously. They continued to talk as the day went on. "So what's was your name again, Tom?" Tubbo asked. "Tommy yeah" he replied with a smile. "Tommy, ok I'll try and remember that" Tubbo laughed.

"I'm hungry" Ranboo said from the bed. "Well go and get food" Tubbo laughed. "Ok but you're both coming with me, let's go" Ranboo said as he got up and walked out the room, waiting for the 2 to follow him.

They then all went down to the kitchen and sat down whilst Ranboo cooked dinner. *Look! A knife* the voice appeared and spoke. *Please no, not now* Tommy pleaded. *But it's so perfect, so sharp* the voice said. *Ok ok, I'll grab it later* Tommy said as he felt tears coming. *No no no please no tears* he thought as he tried to blink them away, luckily none of them noticed.

Tommy soon received a plate with food, he stared at it for a good 5 mins, dreading it. "You alright Tommy" Tubbo asked. "Hm what, oh yeah, all good" Tommy said with a fake smile. As soon as Tubbo had left to his bedroom, it was just Tommy and Ranboo. "Please eat just a tiny bit" Ranboo whispered to him. "B-but I can't" Tommy said as tears started to appear again. "I know it's hard but please try" Ranboo said with a smile. Tommy smiled back before picking his fork up and trying a bit, instantly feeling sick. "You alright" Ranboo asked him. "If I'm being honest, no" Tommy said as a tear dropped.

Ranboo then got up and sat next to him, instantly getting a hug. "I'm so sorry" Tommy cried. "It's alright, you can get through this! I believe in you" Ranboo said as he hugged him back and picked up the fork. He picked up a bit of food and fed it to Tommy. Tommy gave a disgusted look before being asked "what's your favourite song". Ranboo was trying to distract him by asking him questions so he wouldn't think about the food. He kept feeding Tommy as well as asking him questions every time. He repeated this until the food was gone.

"Done!" Ranboo said happily. "What do you mean?" Tommy asked confusedly. "You did it!". Tommy was confused until he looked at the plate, it was all gone. "W-what, n-no what have I done" Tommy whispered. "You have done it, that's what you've done, I'm proud of you Tommy" Ranboo said with a smile and a hug. "N-no but, I don't deserve it" Tommy said, he realised that he didn't feel sick at all. "You do deserve it, everyone deserves to eat every now and then" Ranboo said as he hugged him tightly. "You alright". "I-I don't know" Tommy replied.

"It's alright, I'm so proud of you Tommy, you did so great!" Ranboo said with a huge smile. Tommy looked at him and saw the smile, it made him feel happy. "T-thank you".

They soon then went upstairs, Tommy went to his bedroom as Ranboo went to his after saying good night. Tommy laid down in his bed after taking his binder and t-shirt off, then putting the jumper back on. *Why did you do that, that was so selfish, find something sharp now* the voice demanded. *B-but I don't need this right now* Tommy said as tears started to travel back. *Go to the kitchen now!* the voice demanded. Tommy instantly got scared and did as he was told. He ran to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and ran back to his bedroom.

*P-please, I don't want to do this* Tommy pleaded. *Too late, you have something sharp now, may as well use it* the voice laughed. Tommy slowly lifted his sleeve, revealing the many mistakes he had made. He put the knife to his skin, pressed down and sliced, blood soon came pouring out of it. He then did another, then another until it became 6 before he heard the door knob start turning.

He began to panic as he slid the knife under the covers and rolled his sleeve back down. He saw Tubbo walk into his room and sit next to him. "Lift up your sleeve" he said sternly. "W-why" Tommy said on the verge of a panic attack. "Just do it, I saw you run into the kitchen, grab a knife and run back here, where's the knife" Tubbo said. Tommy's breathing started to shorten but Tubbo didn't notice. Tommy slowly grabbed the knife and gave it to Tubbo. Tubbo didn't look at it, he was looking at the blood that was running down Tommy's arm.

"Lift up your sleeve" Tubbo said again. Tommy did as he was told as he began to panic more. Tubbo didn't question him, he instead grabbed the bandages he had brought and wrapped Tommy's arm in them. "It's alright, I'm not mad I promise, I'm just here to help ok" Tubbo said as he tucked the bandage in so it wouldn't fall and pulled his sleeve back down. "I-I'm so sorry I know I shouldn't have but-". "Tommy it's ok, I don't blame you, I'm here to look out for you and that's what I'm going to do ok" Tubbo interrupted him.

"Come here, it's alright" he said as he pulled Tommy into a hug and laid down with him. "It's alright, your safe now ok, if you ever get that thing that tells you that you need to do that, come straight to me or Ranboo ok and we will help you" Tubbo said as he stroked Tommy's hair, feeling him nod. They both started to slowly drift off to sleep. Tommy finally felt safe.


1744 words

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