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Luna woke up, not in her normal room, but in a very different room. She sat up and looked around. "You're awake!" Ranboo said from a chair that was beside her. "Yeah, where am I?" She asked. "We're at Phil's house, I found you on the ground so I took you here, you alright?" Ranboo explained, receiving a shocked yet scared look. "What?! I need to go!" Luna said as she went to get up but fell back down once she felt a sharp pain his her stomach. "Be careful! You ok" Ranboo asked again as he quickly grabbed her and sat her back down. "What happened?" He asked.

Luna couldn't explain since she hadn't come out to anyone yet. *Just tell him, he won't tell anyone and will probably forget later anyway* she thought. "Can I trust you with a very special and personal secret" she quietly asked. "Sure, I swear I won't tell a single soul" Ranboo replied. "Ok, I'm trans" Luna said as tears started to fill her eyes. "Ok, do you want me to call you something different?" Ranboo asked with a smile. Luna was glad that he accepted her and started thinking for a name.

"I've been liking the name 'Tommy' for quite some time now so I think I'll stick with it!" Tommy said, quite excited. "Ok Tommy! What are your pronouns?" He continued to ask. "He/him" Tommy said with a smile as more tears of joy started appearing. "Ok, don't cry!" Ranboo said as he hugged Tommy tightly. "I-I'm sorry I'm just so happy right now" he said with a massive smile. "I'm glad, so what happened" Ranboo asked again.

"Well Dream found my binders and burnt them, then continued to tell me that I'm a girl and call me my dead name, he then kicked me twice hard in the stomach before I blacked out" Tommy explained as they separated from the hug. "So you need more?" Ranboo asked, receiving a nod. "Eret will most likely have some or I can ask Fundy" Ranboo said with a smile. Tommy didn't like this idea but he didn't really have a choice. "Ok, be quick though" he said, watching as Ranboo left the room, closing the door after him.

"Is she awake" Tommy heard Techno say from outside the door. "No, I'll be right back though, have to go and do something" Ranboo lied. This brought a smile to Tommy's face, he was happy about how much Ranboo cared. He took a deep breath as he laid back down.

Ranboo soon came back with a box. Tommy looked at him and saw the box. "Eret gave me some!" Ranboo said whilst putting the box on the bed next to Tommy. Tommy had a massive smile on his face. "He said you can keep them!" Ranboo said with a smile. Tommy smiled back and started looking through the box of binders, soon finding some he thought would fit.

Ranboo then sat next to Tommy on the bed, soon being squished by a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Tommy repeated. "It's no problem really" Ranboo laughed. Tommy's heart suddenly sunk as he saw the door knob turn. Ranboo quickly grabbed the box and put it under the bed after giving a smile to Tommy. "Thank you" Tommy whispered to him before looking at the person who had entered.

"Luna, you're awake, you ok?" Techno asked as he came in and sat on the same chair Ranboo was sat in. Ranboo saw Tommy flinch at the name so he sat next to him and rubbed his back. "Yup everything's good" Tommy said, feeling a bit better from the comfort. "What happened?" Techno asked. "Well Dream got mad at me and so he beat me" Tommy quickly said. "Oh right, do you need anything" Techno asked. "Nah I'm alright, thank you though" Tommy said with a smile.

"Is she awake" they heard Phil say from the other room. "Yeah" Techno yelled back. Tommy once again made a disgusted face at the 'she' Phil had said but had to deal with it for now. Phil soon appeared in the doorway. "Hey Luna, you ok" he asked as he stood behind Techno. "Yes, when can I leave" Tommy asked. "You'll be staying here for a while until you're ok" Phil said, receiving a mad face. Tommy didn't say anything back though. After some talking, the 2 left the room, leaving Tommy and Ranboo again.

"You alright" Ranboo asked him. Tommy turned around and looked at him with a sad yet mad face. "Imma take that as a no, want a hug" he asked with a smile. Tommy gave a smile back before diving into Ranboos arms. He then stopped once he remembered, Dream, exile, he needed to go back. "I need to go back otherwise D-Dream will get mad
and-" Tommy stopped as his breathing started to get faster.

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