All Over The Place...

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Tommy was awoken by quiet cries coming from the corner of the tent. He rubbed his eyes and sat up to see Tubbo panicking. He then shuffled towards him and said, "hey it's ok, hold my hands and breathe with me, it's alright". He then held his hands out as Tubbo quickly grabbed them and held them tightly as he was shaking like mad. "In and out, that's it" Tommy said as they continued the breathing exercise until Tubbo was calm. "There we go, come here, it's alright" Tommy said calmly as he held his arms out. Tubbo quickly hugged him tightly as he cried into his shoulder. "It's ok, it's all ok, you're safe now I promise" Tommy said as he realised what must've happened, nightmares.

Tommy then felt Tubbo shiver. "Wanna get in the sleeping bag" Tommy asked as he moved out the way. Tubbo nodded as he quickly got into it and zipped it up. "You look like a caterpillar" Tommy laughed, making Tubbo cheer up a bit. "T-thank you for this" Tubbo said with a smile as he started to feel sleepy. Tommy noticed and said "go to sleep if you want, you're safe here". Tubbo nodded before he started to drift off to sleep. Tommy was happy that Tubbo was sleeping because he had massive bags under his eyes.

Tommy quickly got bored so he went outside, sat against the rocks and looked out into the night. The sun hadn't risen yet so he just enjoyed the coldness of the night whilst he still could. He stayed out there for a bit until he decided to check on Tubbo. He slowly opened the tent, crawled inside and closed it back up. He then sat in corner of the tent whilst he looked at the sleeping Tubbo. His face was twitching every now and then which got him thinking, *should I wake him up? Probably not since he's asleep, but he could be having a nightmare* he thought.

He debated waking Tubbo up for a bit until he decided to wake him up as he became more jumpy in his sleep. "Tubbo" Tommy said quietly. "Hey Tubbo" Tommy said again with a little tap. Tubbo leaned up with a gasp as he quickly unzipped the sleeping bag to breathe. "Hey Tubbo it's ok, it's all alright, you're safe now" Tommy said as Tubbo quickly grabbed onto his sleeve. "Tommy" Tubbo sighed. "It's alright" Tommy said as he hugged him gently so he didn't feel suffocated. "It's all ok now I promise, you're safe" Tommy said again as Tubbo slowly calmed down. "Thank you" Tubbo whispered. "It's alright" Tommy said calmly as he let Tubbo cry into his shoulder.

"Oh my god that was horrible, my legs hurt so much, ow" they heard Ranboo whine from outside the tent. "You alright there" Tommy laughed as he opened the top of the tent. "No, that was the worst sleep I have ever had" Ranboo laughed. "Is Tubbo in there?" He asked. "Yeah he's here" Tommy replied. "May I enter?" Ranboo asked with a posh accent, making them laugh. "You may" Tommy said back as he unzipped the tent. Ranboo sat down in the opposite corner and saw the 2 boys hugging. "Did something happen?" He said worriedly. "Can I tell him" Tommy whispered to Tubbo.

"I have but he just forgets" Tubbo said quietly as tears started to enter his eyes again. "So I can?" Tommy asked. "Go ahead" Tubbo replied. "Apparently Tubbo has told you this before, he has nightmares about the execution with Techno, Quackity and Schlatt" Tommy said as he felt Tubbo hug him tighter. "Oh, wait I didn't think it was this serious" Ranboo said. "You remembered?" Tubbo said surprisedly as he turned around. "Of cause I did, are you crying?" Ranboo said. "N-no" Tubbo said as he wiped his eyes. "It's ok to cry you know, we're not going to judge you" Tommy said as Ranboo nodded. "I-I know, I just hate crying in front of other people for... Reasons" Tubbo stuttered as he tried to calm himself down.

"Wanna talk about it" Ranboo asked with a small smile. "N-no it's fine" Tubbo said with a sniffle. "You sure, we're here if you want to talk" Tommy said with a smile. "You already know, remember the Schlatt one" Tubbo whispered to Tommy. "Oh right" Tommy whispered back. They both then looked at Ranboo, he had a confused look on his face as he watched the 2 start laughing. "What?!" He laughed. "Just trauma innit" Tommy said with a laugh. "Yeah" Tubbo agreed with a laugh. "O-oh ok?" Ranboo said confusedly.

"Can we go home now, I barely fit in these tents" Ranboo said as the other 2 laughed. "Yeah sure, this has been nice though" Tommy said as they started to crawl back out of the tent. "It has" Ranboo agreed as they started walking back.

As the mansion came into view, so did Techno walking out of it. "Hey Tech! Watcha doing?" Tommy asked. "There you guys are, I was wondering if you were back so I came here, where did you go?" Techno said. "We were chilling in the mountains" Tubbo said. "Oh nice, I'll go now, bye" Techno said as he started walking home. "Bye!" They all yelled back. "Beat you there!" Tubbo said as he started to run. "Wait up" Ranboo yelled as he also started to run. "Just like yesterday I see" Tommy laughed, he didn't run since if he did he would probably faint so he just walked.

"Erm, guys" Tubbo said from upstairs. "What's up?" Ranboo said as he ran upstairs to him as Tommy followed. "Well, this wasn't really how I planned to see you" Wilbur said. Tubbo then burst out laughing. Ranboo ran in to see Wilbur beat up on the floor, causing him to join with Tubbos laughter. Tommy soon joined them laughing. "I-ITS NOT FUNNY" Wilbur yelled as he tried to get up but failed and fell back down, making them laugh harder.

"ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME OR WHAT" Wilbur yelled as he watched them all laugh. "Nah we're alright" Tubbo laughed. They all soon left. "Luna wait! I wanna talk to you in private" Wilbur said as he looked at Tommy. Tommy turned around as he saw the smile on Wilbur's face. It was the same evil smile he did when he had a bad idea, like blowing up an entire country. Tommy froze, he didn't know what to do. Ranboo nor Tubbo had heard Wilbur so they just kept walking. "You coming Tommy?" Ranboo asked as he noticed Tommy wasn't with them, he didn't respond. "Tommy?" He said again as Tommy didn't respond again and continued to stare at Wilbur.

"Tommy you alright?" Tubbo said as he also noticed. Tommy didn't respond once again. Ranboo then went up to Tommy and tapped him, making him jump. "Please-" Tommy said quietly as he backed up into Ranboo. "Hey it's alright, let's go over here for a minute" Ranboo said as he held his hand and brought him into his bedroom. "Damn, I don't even have to do anything" Wilbur laughed. Tommy froze. Ranboo kept walking until he felt a tug, he turned around to see anger on Tommy's face. Tommy then let go of Ranboos hand and stormed back into his own bedroom where Wilbur was.

He ran over to him and slapped his face before realising what he had done. "You little bitch" Wilbur said quietly as he got up with a limp and grabbed Tommy's wrist, he pulled up his sleeve and slapped his cuts. "OW" Tommy yelled as he started to panic. Tubbo ran up to Wilbur and punched him straight in the nose, making him let go of Tommy. Tommy fell to the floor as he held his arms up in front of his face, shielding his head from any attacks. Ranboo quickly ran up to him and tapped him. "Tommy it's me Ranboo, you're ok, come with me" Ranboo said calmly as he slowly reached towards Tommy.

Tommy looked up at him. "R-Ranboo" He stuttered as he quickly clung onto him. Ranboo then brought him into the other room again and closed the door so it was quieter. He then hugged Tommy as he panicked. "It's alright, it's all ok now, you're safe I promise" Ranboo said calmly as he slowly stroked Tommy's hair.

They soon heard a thud, then silence. "I'll go check that out, stay here and remember to breathe" Ranboo said as he quickly ran into the other room. "Wait you can't- leave, me" Tommy said as he tried to grab onto Ranboo but missed. *Don't panic, just don't panic, don't panic don't panic don't panic* Tommy thought as he started panicking again.

Ranboo quickly ran into the room to see Wilbur on the floor as Tubbo wiped blood off his face. Ranboo didn't say anything, he just smiled proudly. "Good job!" He finally said. "Thank you" Tubbo laughed. They both then looked at Wilbur. "He's knocked out, we'll have enough time to get him out of here if we started carrying him now" Tubbo said as he grabbed Wilburs hand. "Ok" Ranboo laughed as he grabbed the other hand. They both then lifted him up together and slung his arms around their shoulders.

They left him at the entrance of the woods and quickly ran back to Tommy. "Tommy?!" Ranboo said as he burst into the room. "Ranboo" Tommy sighed with relief as he stood up and ran over to him, he then tightly hugged him. "It's alright now" Ranboo said as he stroked Tommy's hair. "You alright" Tubbo asked. Tommy nodded. "He's gone now" Tubbo said as he laid down on the bed. Ranboo soon joined him after locking the bedroom door whilst Tommy went over to the sofa and got comfy. "Goodnight guys" Tommy said. "Goodnight" he heard, making him smile before he slowly went to sleep.

I'm so tired bro-

1682 words

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