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Tommy was woken by the cold air of the night hitting his face. He was being carried by someone. He slowly looked up at them, seeing it was Phil. "Phil?" Tommy said confusedly. "What have they done to you, look at your hair! We're going home" Phil said sternly. "B-but I don't want to, and the hair was my choice!" Tommy said as he started to struggle, making Phil almost drop him. "Stay still!" Phil yelled, instantly making Tommy stop. "I-I'm sorry" Tommy said quietly. He watched as the mansion got further and further until it was out of sight.

Once Phil's house was in sight, Tommy saw Techno outside, he was sitting on the steps with a book and blanket. "Luna, what are you doing here?" Techno asked confusedly. Phil then set Tommy down in front of the front door and spoke, "Luna will be staying with us since Ranboo can't take care of her, I mean just look at her hair!" Phil yelled, he then went inside, leaving Tommy and Techno outside. Tommy started crying quietly. "Luna what happened?" Techno asked as he got up and hugged Tommy.

"I-I wanna go back, Phil took me here whilst I was asleep, and it was my choice to have my hair like this" Tommy cried. "Ok, come here, it's alright, are you staying at the massive mansion?" Techno asked as he picked Tommy up and started walking. "Mhm" Tommy replied as he hugged Techno tightly for warmth. "So what's with the hair?" Techno asked. Tommy paused for a second before saying, "can I trust you with a secret?". "Sure, go ahead".

"I-I'm trans and my name isn't Luna it's Tommy" Tommy said nervously. "Oh ok, would you like me to call you a he?" Techno asked. "Yes please" Tommy responded. "Ok, does anyone else know?" Techno continued to ask. "Yes, Ranboo and Tubbo, Ranboo was the one that cut my hair" Tommy said, feeling a lot more calm than before.

The mansion soon came into view as the sun started to rise. Tommy did a sigh of relief as he saw Ranboo run out of the mansion. He quickly saw Techno carrying Tommy and ran over to them. "What happened?" Ranboo quickly asked as Techno put Tommy down. "Phil took Tommy whilst he was asleep so I snuck him back here" Techno quickly explained. "Oh right, thank you so much" Ranboo said as he felt Tommy hug him. "It's no problem, he is my brother after all" Techno said, he then smiled at Tommy before leaving.

"Are you alright?" Ranboo quickly asked as he hugged Tommy back. "I-I think so" Tommy said with a snuffle as he was quietly crying. "It's alright, I see you have came out to Techno, I'm proud of you!" Ranboo said with a smile as he held Tommy's hand and began to walk back. "Mhm" Tommy replied with a shiver. "Come here" Ranboo said as he put his jacket around Tommy and held his hand. "You alright now" Ranboo asked as he continued walking, receiving a nod.

They then walked to Tommy's room as Tommy laid on the bed. Ranboo went to leave but was stopped once he felt a tug on his sleeve. "W-wait, do you have to go?" Tommy stuttered as he tightened his grip on Ranboos sleeve. "I will stay if you want me to" Ranboo said as he sat on the bed. Tommy nodded before slowly falling asleep.

Sorry for the short chapters recently, I'll upload another one soon

590 words

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