Going Back

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Tommy was awoken to a door shutting then soon closing, he then listened as footsteps were heard from the stairs, they went down and out the front door. *Who could it be this time* he thought, quite sick of this now. He got up and went to his bedroom to see if they took anything.

He checked the entire room except for under his bed. *Everything seems to be here* he thought as he walked over to his bed and looked under it. His binders were gone. He gasped. He started thinking of who it would've been. *One of the things that was protecting me is now gone* he thought as he felt tears start to enter his eyes. "Don't cry over this you pathetic-" Tommy whispered to himself as he cried quietly. He then held his head in his hands. "Tommy?" He heard Ranboo say from the doorway, making him jump. "Y-yes" Tommy said as he quickly wiped the tears away and stood up.

"What's wrong" Ranboo asked as he began to walk towards him. "M-my binders, t-they're gone" Tommy said as he felt the tears start to come back. "It's ok, I'm sure we can go and get some off Eret again in the mean time right" Ranboo said with a smile. "Right" Tommy snuffled. "It'll be ok, do you have one on right now?" Ranboo asked him, Tommy shook his head 'no'. "Is Tubbo awake?" Tommy snuffled. "I don't think so" Ranboo said. "We should probably go to him before he does wake up" Tommy quickly realised as Ranboo nodded and followed him back into the room.

Tubbo was shaking in his dreams. Tommy quickly ran over to him, kneeled down and started slowly stroking his hair. "It's alright" he whispered. Tubbo soon stopped shaking as his face was calm. "You're ok now" Tommy whispered again as he heard Ranboo walk up to them. "Is he asleep?" He whispered. "I think so" Tommy whispered as he stood up. He then started to walk away until he felt someone grab his hand gently. He turned back around to see a sleepy Tubbo grabbing his hand. "Don't. Go" Tubbo said quietly. "Is he sleep talking?" Ranboo questioned. "I don't know, I think so" Tommy said as he kneeled down in front of him again.

"You ok" Tommy asked Tubbo quietly. Tubbo slowly nodded. "You awake" Tommy asked again, this time receiving no response. "I think he really is asleep" Tommy laughed quietly. "I think so yeah" Ranboo laughed with him. They stayed there for a bit until Tubbo started moving as his eyes started to open. "G-Guys? What are you doing?" Tubbo asked sleepily, he then noticed he was holding Tommy's hand. "And why are you holding my hand?" He asked again. "Actually, you held my hand" Tommy laughed. "That makes literally no sense" Tubbo said as he sat up and stretched. "You did, and you were sleep talking" Ranboo joined in. "I was? What did I say?" Tubbo asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Well you were having the usual nightmare so I calmed you down, then when I went to leave you grabbed my hand and told me not to go so we have both just stayed here" Tommy explained. "I did?!" Tubbo said, almost not believing them. "Yes!" Ranboo laughed. "Well thank you for that anyway" Tubbo laughed, happy he wasn't waking up panicking. "Do you want me to do that when I wake up" Ranboo asked Tubbo. "Please do, it would make my life so much easier" Tubbo said with a smile. "Will do then!".

"Did I mention that my binders were stolen, by the way" Tommy said awkwardly. "No? By who?!" Tubbo said surprisedly. "No idea" Tommy and Ranboo said. "Why binders though?" Ranboo wondered. "Because they are a trans persons best friend" Tommy laughed, watching as the 2 got offended. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT COME ON" Tommy said, making them all laugh. "I can go to Erets place and get more if you need" Ranboo said. "I wanna go" Tommy and Tubbo both said. "Why though?" Ranboo asked. "Adventure?" "Yeah!" They both said. "Fine, but this might be a bit dangerous" Ranboo admitted. "Oh please, I can handle them" Tommy sighed. Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other in worry before they all got ready to go.

Tommy this time put on an extra bra he found at the back of the wardrobe, it felt disgusting to wear but it had to do. Once they were ready, they set off.

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