Beanie Boy is Back

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Tommy was awoken by something shaking in his arms, it was Ranboo. His face was scrunched up, like he was having a nightmare. "Hey Ranboo" Tommy said quietly. "Ranboo" he said a bit louder. "Ranboo" he said a bit louder as he gently shook him. Ranboo gasped as he woke up. "Hey hey, it's alright" Tommy said as he gently hugged him. "M-my arms, i-it hurts" Ranboo said as he sat up and looked at his arms. The skin was peeling off as blood started to appear.

Tommy sat up with him and looked at his arms, then at Ranboo. His breathing was off as he was staring at his arms in fear. "Ranboo come here, it's alright" Tommy said as he quickly pulled him into a hug. "I-I can't even touch water without my skin being affected by it" Ranboo cried. "It's ok, I'm still going to be here for you no matter what, like you were for me" Tommy said with a smile. "T-thank you" Ranboo cried quietly. "It's alright, do you mind if I look" Tommy said as he separated from the hug and pointed at his arms. "Mhm" Ranboo quietly mumbled as he slowly held his arms out.

Tommy looked at his arms, there were little burned patches as the skin was peeling off. He accidentally touched it, making Ranboo flinch. "Sorry, would something cold help?" Tommy asked. "I-I don't know, I have stayed away from water for the longest time so I can't remember" Ranboo said as tears started to enter his eyes again. "Don't cry it's ok" Tommy said as he hugged him. Ranboo silently cried as he hugged Tommy tightly back. "Guys? What happened!" Tubbo said as he ran over to them and sat on the bed. "There was a bucket that we missed and, you can probably tell what happened" Tommy explained.

"Oh, wait how did we miss one?! And where?!" Tubbo said. "Just a random room" Tommy said as he heard Ranboo sigh of relief. "T-the pain is going" Ranboo whispered to Tommy. "Good" Tommy whispered back. "Can I see where?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo nodded as he stopped hugging Tommy and held his arms out for Tubbo to see. "Oh wow" Tubbo said as he grabbed Ranboos arm, making him flinch with a little yelp. "Sorry sorry" Tubbo said as he let go. Ranboo quickly took his arms back as more tears entered his eyes. He then patted around him and soon felt a hand, he smiled a bit as he held it tightly. "Who's-who's hand am I holding" Ranboo laughed. "Mine" Tommy laughed.

Ranboo then felt around again for Tubbos hand, he soon found it and held it tightly. "We're here big man" Tommy said with a smile as he stroked the back of Ranboos hand with his thumb. "T-thank you, both of you" Ranboo said as the tears started to disappear.

"Hey guy- oh, am I interrupting something?" Techno said from the doorway. "N-no" Ranboo quickly said as his vision was slowly coming back, he quickly hid his arms, embarrassed by how they looked. "You sure?" Techno asked. "It's fine" Tubbo said. "Ok? What's going on?" Techno asked as he walked over to them. Ranboo then looked at Tommy as to say "you explain". "Basically Wilbur played a prank on us and placed water buckets around the house, Ranboo got caught in one and, you can probably guess" Tommy explained. "But Wilburs dead?" Techno said confusedly. "Yeah that's also what we thought until he tried to take Tommy" Tubbo said annoyedly.

"That stupid beanie bitch" Techno whispered. "Where does he live" he said sternly. "No idea" they all said. "I gotta go do something, have fun with your problems" Techno said before he disappeared out the doorway.

"That can't be good" Tommy whispered. "Mhm" Tubbo agreed. "Oh hey guys! I can see you now" Ranboo said happily. "I'm glad!" Tommy laughed along with Tubbo. "Where do you think he actually lives?" Tubbo asked. "I don't know, probably in a secret place underground with his TNT stash" Tommy joked.

They talked for a while until it was time for dinner. Ranboo went down to the kitchen whilst Tommy and Tubbo stayed in Tommy's bedroom. "Anything you wanna talk about?" Tubbo asked the zoned out Tommy. "Hm? Oh, no I don't think so, is there anything you wanna talk about?" Tommy asked back. "N-no, no I'm fine" Tubbo stuttered. Tommy knew something was up but didn't want to pressure him. "You sure? If you wanna talk about anything then we can now if you'd like" Tommy said with a smile. "No i-it's ok" Tubbo stuttered again as he looked away.

"Ok but I'm here if you need to say anything or just need a hug or something" Tommy said, he hated seeing any of his friends like this, he knew what it was like to have nobody there for him and didn't want his friends to feel the same.

Tommy jumped as he saw Ranboo appear out of nowhere in a panic. "How tf- are you ok?" Tommy said as he got up and ran over to the panicking Enderman on the floor. "I- he- grabbed- can't breathe" Ranboo said in between breaths. "It's alright, try and breathe with me" Tommy said as Tubbo quickly ran over to them and held Ranboos hand for comfort. They continued breathing until Ranboo was calm. "There, you alright" Tubbo asked. "N-no, Wilburs here and he g-grabbed me and tried to drag me out the mansion but I thought of this room and teleported here somehow but now I'm really tired" Ranboo quickly explained.

Tommy's face went pale, *Wilburs here?!* he thought. Tubbo quickly got up and locked the door. Ranboo and Tommy stood up with him as Tommy had zoned out. *Why's he here? He can't be here, he can't be, I don't want him to be, why is he doing this, why can't he just move on, why does he want to traumatise me so badly, what did I do to him, I feel faint, this isn't good* Tommy thought as he stumbled a bit. Ranboo quickly noticed and held Tommy up. "Wow there, you alright" he asked as he brought Tommy over to the bed and sat him down.

It all got worse when Wilbur started jabbing at the door with a knife. Ranboo watched as it almost cut Tubbos shoulder. He quickly ran up to him and pulled him away. "Be careful, hes stabbing the door" Ranboo said as he let go of Tubbo. "W-what do we do" Tommy stuttered. "Wait Ranboo, what if you do what the movies do when they have teleporting powers, like if you hold onto both of us, then you can teleport us away and it'll bring us with you" Tubbo said. "Ok" Ranboo said as both him and Tubbo ran over to Tommy. Ranboo then grabbed both of their sleeves as he thought of a random place.

It was working until the door got broken down, scaring Ranboo which made him jump and loose focus. "WHAT DID YOU FUCKERS TELL THE PIG" Wilbur yelled, making Tommy flinch. Tommy also noticed that Tubbo had flinched a bit from the yelling. *Ok I really need to talk to Tubbo later* Tommy thought. "HUH! THANKS TO YOU GUYS, I HAVE A BLACK EYE" Wilbur yelled more, making Tommy start to panic. Wilbur then stopped once he noticed Ranboos arms. "What happened to you?" He asked. "Well-", "TOO BAD I DON'T CARE" Wilbur yelled as he cut Ranboo off.

"Also what even are you because you're not human? What are you, some kind of monster?" Wilbur laughed. Tommy noticed Ranboos face instantly drop. "HEY! You can say whatever you want to me but you CAN NOT YELL AT MY FRIENDS" Tommy yelled as he stepped in front of the 2. "Hello to you too Luna" Wilbur laughed as he started walking towards them.

"HEY BEANIE BITCH, step away from the kids. Now" Techno said sternly. "Why Techno! How very nice it is to see you" Wilbur said with a fake smile. "Yeah yeah yeah, cut the bullshit and get out before I do some serious damaged" Techno said as he pulled out his sword. "2 can play that game, brother" Wilbur laughed. Techno then looked at the 3 behind Wilbur, then the door, signalling for them to run. Ranboo saw and nodded as he held both Tommy and Tubbo's hand before he ran out the door with them. "I WILL GET YOU LUNA" Wilbur yelled.

You just got left on a cliff hanger... how do you feeeeeeellll

1454 words

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