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Tommy was shaking as he held Tubbos hand tightly, he was very scared and nervous. *What have I done, now he's not going to trust me alone, what a fucking idiot* he thought as he sniffled, getting Tubbos attention. "It's ok, you're alright now, I won't tell Ranboo if you don't want me to ok" Tubbo said as he made small circles on the back of Tommy's hand with his thumb for comfort. Tommy nodded as Tubbo smiled at him and kept walking.

*Ranboo, oh god, he's definitely not going to trust me alone now, he's not even going to trust me not being in his site, will he be mad? Probably, I don't want him to be mad, I don't want to go back but there's nowhere else to go* Tommy thought as his breathing picked up. "W-will Ranboo be mad" Tommy asked as his voice cracked. "He won't be mad, he might sound hurt though, like I do, but it'll be ok" Tubbo said as the mansion came into view. Tommy took a deep breath as they walked closer and closer to the mansion until they reached the front door. *Here we are* Tommy thought as he sighed.

"There you both are! I was worried" Ranboo said with a smile as he ran over to them and hugged them both. "I-I'm so sorry" Tommy said quietly. "What do you mean?" Ranboo said confusedly as he looked at them. "What's wrong, what happened?" He asked. "Well" Tubbo said as he burst out crying. "Hey, it's ok, it's all alright now, what happened" Ranboo said as he hugged him tightly. "T-Tommy" Tubbo cried. Ranboo then looked at Tommy. Tommy had his back to them as he was quietly crying and shaking. "Tommy what happened" Ranboo asked again. "I-I can't" Tommy said as he started to walk away, out the door. "Wait! Tommy come here" Ranboo said as he grabbed Tommy's hand, making him flinch and gasp.

"I-I'm sorry, I just want to know what happened" Ranboo said with a small smile. "T-the lava looked so tempting, so warm, so... comforting" Tommy said, he didn't face them, he just stared at the ground. "Tommy" Ranboo said, his heart hurt. He quickly ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there" Ranboo said as he felt tears in his eyes. "I-it's ok, I'll be right back" Tommy said as he pushed Ranboo away and quickly ran to his room.

"What have I done, I'm such as idiot Idiot IDIOT" Tommy yelled as he punched his head, watching as the room started spinning. "FUCKING USELESS PIECE OF SHIT" he continued to yell as he fell to the ground and continued to punch his head. "MAYBE I DESERVE TO DIE" he yelled as he stopped punching his head and cried violently. "It's all my fault" he said as he punched the ground with both fists and continued to cry.

*I have to get out of here* he thought. He then quickly got up and ran out the room. He ran down the stairs and was about to leave when Ranboo grabbed him and held him tightly. "It's ok it's ok" he said as he stroked Tommy's hair as Tommy struggled to get out of it.

"G-get off me!" Tommy yelled as he punched Ranboo. "No, it's alright" Ranboo said as he took the punch and ignored the pain as he continued to hold Tommy tightly. "Get off" Tommy said as he stopped and fell to the floor with Ranboo. "It's ok" Ranboo said one last time as he rested his head on Tommy's whilst stroking the back of his head. "You can cry, it's ok" Ranboo said calmly as he closed his eyes. Tommy cried into his hands as he let Ranboo hold him. He then heard fast footsteps running towards him, making him flinch. "Stop, slowly approach" Ranboo said to them, he didn't let go of Tommy.

"Tommy" Tubbo cried as he slowly walked over to them, crouched down and hugged Tommy from behind. "It'll be ok" Tubbo whispered to him. Tommy cried as his 2 best friends hugged him. "I-I'm so s-sorry" he cried. "It's alright" "it's ok" they both said. "We're here to help you Tommy" Ranboo said calmly. "That's right, don't feel scared to talk to us" Tubbo agreed as his voice cracked. "It's all m-my f-fault" Tommy whispered to himself. "It's not your fault you feel this way" Ranboo said to him. *If that stupid green thing wasn't there then I would be dead* Tommy thought as he continued to cry in their arms.

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