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*Read description for warnings and story context*

I knew it was dangerous as a young woman to walk alone at night. I knew that something could have easily happened but I had to work.

I didn't have time to be scared.

My family didn't have a lot of money so I had to work full time while going to school online.

I was only 20 and I had to make enough of an income to feed 4 siblings.

Jenna, Carter, Sam, and Juniper.

They were my entire life. Mom and dad worked a lot more than I did so I would watch the kids on my off days.

Jenna and Carter were twins. Both nine years old.

Jenna was the brainiac, always solving problems. She was a very independent little girl who kept to herself most of the time.

Carter was the exact opposite. So outgoing it felt like he would explode if he wasn't running his mouth. He was loveable like a golden retriever but would do anything for his twin sister.

Sam was seven and a sweet little guy. He always wanted cuddles and to make cookies with me. He was like my little koala bear and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Juniper was the baby. Only a year old and was already developing a personality of her own.

My mom was a "saint".

Unfortunately she was sweet to everyone but me. Our relationship was rocky and tense because she expected me to take care of the kids while she worked.

I didn't know what she did but all I knew is that she was never home.

Dad was almost never around either. He worked for a sales company where he would travel around, selling mechanical parts for big corporations.

We weren't the most loving family by normal standards but I loved my siblings like they were my own kids.

"Just two more blocks." I mumbled to myself as I anxiously walked. I didn't like being alone at night. It always felt like people were creeping around in the shadows.

We were in a small town near Seattle, probably about fifteen minutes away from the main city.

Seattle was a nice place in the day but at night it was dangerous.

I know what you're thinking. Why would you be walking to work at night when it's dangerous? To answer the question, I did what I had to do.

I couldn't afford a car and the gas station I worked at was only a ten minute walk. The reward was much greater than the consequences seemed.

"You're late." Jeremy said as I scurried in. "I'm sorry! Jenna was late from school and I had to cook dinner and get them all to bed." I said and quickly clocked in.

"I'm here though. You can go, I owe you." I said as he grinned. "I'll hold you to that. Maybe a date." He said as I chuckled.

"A date? With little old me?" I asked and looked at the handsome blonde in front of me. "Yeah, Jules. Friday night, I'll pick you up." He said and leaned on the counter.

"I have to babysit." I said with a sigh as he pursed his lips. "Just one night. Have your mom watch them, she's capable right?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yes. She's with them right now so I would hope she was capable." I said with a sigh. "I'm off on Friday. She already has plans." I said and tied my hair into a ponytail.

"You're a hard one to catch, Jules." Jeremy said with a laugh as he grabbed his stuff. "Yeah, what can I say? I'm a hot commodity." I said with a giggle.

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