Dave went to bed feeling unhappy that night.

He loved talking to Jasmine a lot and telling her about his day, they both loved to do that.

He couldn't understand why she wasn't online for a whole full day.

He managed to get out of his thoughts and slept off, hoping she would be online the next day.


Jasmine managed to finally get her phone charged and the first message she tapped on when she came online was Dave's.

She felt like crying while going through the messages.
Note the sarcasm.
Her baby missed her a lot.
She felt really bad for not being there when he needed her.

She didn't even know how to start responding or how to start explaining.


Aww baby😭❤
I'm so sorry babe
I'm sorry for not wishing you luck before you went to train yesterday.
How was it tho?
Did you score for me?
Our light went off I don't know what is going on but we don't have light and our gen needs servicing.
My mom has called for the gen guy tho.
Honey I'm sorry I missed you too
I was just thinking about you all through.
Was bored asf.
I'm aware you have a match today and I wasn't even online early to wish you luck.
Please just come online for me b.
I want you to know that I'm rooting for you.
I'm your biggest fan!
And I wish you luck
Score for me dove🕊❤

Sent 10:45am.
Seen 10:50 am


Stinka, you finally came online!
Those mother fucking light people are mad.
So you had to sleep in the dark?
Mehn I miss you asf. I was so bored and bothered.
I thought you left because I told you I couldn't stay a day without talking to you.
I didn't even score any goal yesterday I was so distracted in the pitch, thinking about you.
My friends even used it to tease me.
They said I wasn't playing well because I was fighting with you.
We're about to go into the field now.
Our opponents kept us waiting for so long.
The match was supposed to start by 9 but they just arrived.
Thank you for being online mama I love you

Sent 10:55am


I love you too papi
Make sure you score for me
I'm really sorry for not being there.
Play well iyeh

Sent 10:56am

I will mama
Bye baby
I'll text you when we're done.

Sent 10:56am
Seen 10:56am


This act made them believe that their absence hurts them both.

Jasmine began to see herself taking risks she has never thought of taking just to see Dave.

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