20 | Trust and Silence

Start from the beginning

"Its..hurting...a lot..." I say looking at him trying to get as much of his perfect face in my vision as possible.

"Okay fine. Forget about it. Focus on anything but yourself." he says, almost orders.

I cannot help but continue sobbing as the pain in my leg seems to double with each second.

"Ellora, I said stop thinking about yourself." he is stern and serious. I have never seen such explicit features on him. I know his impassiveness, emotionless, nonchalent, indifferent expressions, nothing other than that.

And I am kind of thankful that he is being stern. If he was gentle, God knows it would have been almost impossible for me to stop my sobbing.

Although the pain doesn't extinguish at all, I stop the sobbing after many tries. He had clearly mentioned a few days back he doesn't like crying anyways.

"You are doing fantastic Ellora.." he says tightening his hold on my hand. "Now focus on the silence around and dare it to speak back."

I do just as I am told. I stop all forms of movement and noise and try my best clearing my mind, which is the most challenging task because all I can think of right now is the burning pain seaeing through my leg...

"Stop thinking about your damn leg Ellora." He says reading exactly my mind, how I don't know." Nothing is wrong with your leg. Are we clear on this?"

Gulping a lot of air in, I try to ignore the burn and focus on his words.

"Are we clear on this Ellora?" he presses on more firmly.

It takes me a whole minute to figure out his question. Then I reply shakily, "Y-yes."

"Yes what?" There is nothing gentle about his tone.

Gulping air I reply, "Y-yes, nothing is wrong with m-my leg.." I try to turn my head once again to see my leg.

"Don't you dare Ellora.." comes his stern order. I snap my eyes back at him before getting as much as even a glimpse of my leg.
"You are not listening to me...stop thinking about your leg. Just focus on the silence." his tone is demanding.

I try my best to follow his orders and try to focus on the absolute silence around me, all the while clutching his hand tightly as he clutches back with the same force.

A few minutes passes as I lie on the cold, hard concrete under a shit ton of metal and glass, clutching professor Langdon's hand as if my life depends on it, and focus on the grave silence around us.

And it terrifies me. I am a starnger to absolute silence, and right now I need anything but stranger. I've had enough strangers to deal with today.

He must have noticed the change in my expression, or my fingers tightening around his unconsciously, because immediately he says,

"What are you scared of? Didn't I tell you am here and while I am, nothing, nobody can touch a single hair on your body? Didn't I tell you that?" he practically shouts at me demanding my answer.

On other instances I would have been scared out of my wits at his tone. But now I am not. Instead it's trust. I trust him. I so trust him...but the silence, the pain in my leg is making it unbearable...

"I need an answer Ellora." He orders, still in that stern voice that I have never heard him use on anyone before.

Swallowing air I barely manage to nod my head.

"Try being verbal." He says in dead serious tone.


"What's with the stuttering?"

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