I still haven't even told you I loved you

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There was no love at first sight with you.

I thought you were obnoxious
Nothing more
But slowly you introduced me to you
And I fell for you
And I fell for the shape of your nose
I fell for the way you speak and I fell for how you cared and I fell for the way you always wanted to be talking to me, or touching me and I fell for the way your eyes were intense but the softest shade I've ever seen
I fell for the amber sunset skin and the way your hair sat and your voice and your laugh, I fell for how you looked when you slept on the other side of the screen and the way you move. I fell for the things you believe in and your beautiful mind and I fell for the way your hand fit in mine and even though you are 927 miles away I still fell. I fell for the way you held me like you could do it forever.
I fell for how we fit together
I fell for you.
Even though this is the farthest relationship I've ever had
You are the closest to heaven I've been
I will wait for you,
And I will wait for you for as long as I have to.

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