Taehyung: "What do you mean by  innocent?? And why do you even care??"

Jin: "Tae i don't want my younger brother to become a beast. "

Taehyung: "I saw her flirting with Jimin. She was holding his hand. I will teach her so that she never flirts with any of my friend. Cheap. "

Jimin suddenly barged inside.

Jimin: "If you wanna call cheap then call me." Jimin crossed his arms standing at the door of the room.

Taehyung: "Don't talk nonsense get out of my way. "

Jimin: "Tae. Listen to me once. I put my palm on her hand to comfort her.
Nothing happened more than that now stay calm."

Taehyung: "Fine. I am alright." He drank a glass of water which was present on the side table.

Jin: "Are you sure?"

Taehyung: "Yes i am sure. My mood is alright. You guys can leave evening has passed already. You must have work."

Jin: "Wait. You told you have a meeting and you missed that due to bursting out on Jeun. "

Taehyung: "Huhh i lied to you i am sorry."

Jimin chuckled and then rolled his eyes.

Jimin: "Taehyung tell me here how many times you have lied to us to make us leave. "

Jin: "My brother is not like that he was not in his senses at that time. Okay Tae we may leave you should take rest and please don't make Jeun work anymore she is stressed mentally and physically. "

Taehyung: "Okok hyung. I will come with you till the door."

They went downstairs. )

      I was still sitting on that chair. My tears stopped now thank god otherwise i thought i will make a river here. I heard footsteps which diverted my attention towards the stairs. They were coming. Jin came towards me.

Jin: "How are you feeling now Jeun?"

Jeun: "I-i am alright. I'm fine."

Jin: "That's good. Take some rest me and Jimin are leaving."

What?? No way I don't want to live here even a second alone with Taehyung. I don't trust him anymore.

Jeun: "Please don't go, stay. Master will-"

Jin: "Calm down Jeun he is alright he won't do anything trust me. You just take rest and relax."

He smiled. Huhh thank god. But still i don't wanna see his face. Even his face horrifies me.

Jimin: "Bye Jeun." Jimin waved and smiled at me which i returned back.
They both left.

And then,
Taehyung's gaze met mine. He was smirking. What The Hell?!?!

He glanced at his watch.
Taehyung: "It's almost dinner time. Cook dinner. But first change your torn clothes you are looking miserable." He rolled his eyes. Like bro wtf isn't he the one who is responsible for my this miserable state? Ridiculous.

        I went to the kitchen and started preparing something tasty. Although I wanted to rest and just sleep to forget all the incidents for sometime, I had to cook dinner since there is no one else who can.

      I served the food on the dinning table as always. He started eating. I was as usual just cleaning the lounge because it was messy and moreover I am not allowed to eat with my master no matter I am hungry. Fuck rules.

He finally finished eating and stood up. It was my time to eat now. The lounge was almost cleaned. I was about to put the food in my plate when he spoke:

I Was Just His Tool (Taehyung X Jeun) Where stories live. Discover now