Start from the beginning

"You're okay with it?" There seemed to be a sparkle in Hope's eyes for a moment for some unknown reason.

"Of course." She shrugged.

And out of the blue, she was pulled into a hug. Juliet looked at the petite woman squeezing her and noticed how she was trembling.

"Mrs. Lupin, are you alright?" She worried. A nod. The brunette patted the woman's back in hope to comfort her.

When she pulled away, the mother cupped the girl's face in her hands and Juliet could now see her tear stained cheeks. "You are the best thing that could have ever happened to him." She told her.

"I'm sorry?" The blue-eyed girl asked softly, confusion evident on her face.

"Juliet!" Their discussion was interrupted by the three boys coming down the stairs.

"Hey Remus, Peter." She smiled at them.

"Sorry we took so long to come down, Remus insisted that he had to look presentable." Peter quickly said.

"You rat!" The taller boy smacked the blonde's arm.

"Hey, don't blame him, you're the one who wanted to look good for the pretty girl, lover boy." James teased and Peter snickered.

A wide-eyed Remus looked over at Juliet to see that she was trying to hide her blushing by looking anywhere but at them.

"Alright, enough with the teasing you four, help me out with dinner instead, will you?" Hope jumped in, making the girl mouth a 'thank you' her way and she winked.


"Thank you for the meal Mrs. Lupin!" Juliet smiled politely, getting up to help the woman wash the dishes.

"Oh, no, no, you don't. Remus, honey, why don't you show Juliet around while the boys help me?" Hope turned to her son who nodded.

Peter was about to complain when James nudged him with a wide grin. "Yes, yes, go, we'll help Moony's mum."

When making their way up the stairs, Juliet suspiciously watched the tall boy. "Should I be worried?"

"About what?" He looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Am I about to get pranked?"

His confused frown was soon overthrown by a mischievous smirk. "Well, wouldn't you like to know?" He teased before stopping in front of a specific door.

"Yes, yes, I would like to know. That's why I'm asking." She squinted her eyes at him. "I'm not getting in there."

"Why not?"

"I saw James' devil-like grin. He's preparing something. I'm not getting in there."

"I wanted to be a gentleman and let you in first though." He leaned closer.

"And I say peg the patriarchy, now get in." She demanded, also leaning in.

At that point they were five centimeters away and did not care at all. They studied each other's faces before Remus finally stepped back and went to open the room's door.

"Very well." He said, entering the room.

She waited for something to jump at his face patiently and when it never happened, she hesitantly stepped inside.

After processing the objects surrounding her, she turned back to him. "Is this your room?" She asked with the ghost of a smile, though knowing the answer.

"That obvious, huh?" He snickered.

"No, I would have never guessed! It's not like the perfectly neat room, the folded sweaters on the bed, and the extremely huge library don't scream Remus Lupin! At all!" She stated sarcastically, making him laugh.

There it is again. The weird feeling in my stomach. Did I eat too much?

"Alright, alright." He nodded in defeat, sitting on his chair.

After a minute or two of watching the books on the shelves, which were mostly muggle ones that she really wanted to read, she made her way to him and sat on his desk, facing him.

"I like your room." She finally declared and he almost sighed in relief but stopped himself in time.

"Yeah?" He said instead.

Juliet nodded. "It's very Remus-like."

He could feel his heartbeat's pace quicken. She liked the room because it was Remus-like. Does that mean she liked him?

"Also those are adorable." She pointed at  three little plants laying on his desk.

Remus smiled but it fell immediately when he saw her reach out to touch them. "No, wait! That's a-"

"Ouch!" She retrieved her hand in a hurry.

"Cactus." He finished with a chuckle. "Let me see."

He took her smaller hand in his, looking for a wound, and feeling reassured once he saw none.

Lifting his head, he found himself nose-to-nose with her. Literally. And did not feel the rush to pull away, at all.

* * *

yes, I'm cruel :)

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now