Ch 52 The Truth

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It has been weeks and I'm sitting in the dining hall with Hermione, we are both reading The same book happily stopping to talk about what's happening. It's the sequel to our favorite book so we decided to read it together. Soon a big crowd of people came rushing in. They were all Hufflepuff's. Cedric was leading them as they followed, talking loudly. I turned to Hermione "could they be any more loud" I whisper-yelled because the volume in the room was bouncing off the walls. Hermione just looked annoyed at the crowd. Cedric put his name in the goblet and ran out with his adoring fans following like lost puppies. After the commotion me and Hermione went back to reading only getting about 3 chapters in before the doors swung open again. I looked up with a glare to see who disrupted our peace and was met with yelling from the twins ''we've done it" they said happily and just like Cedric a group of lost puppies followed behind. I honestly don't care what they do so I decided to zone them out. I zoned back in when they stepped inside the age line. I mean how stupid can they be to do that. I looked at Hermione who was shaking her head in disappointment. Soon they started growing beards and their hair started turning gray. They looked like old men. They tackled each other and began fighting, blaming each other like children. I was done with this so I grabbed Hermione's arm and dragged her away. "Where are we going?" She asked me, letting me drag her. "To your dorm" I said casually. "What" she said, almost yelling with her voice higher than usual. "We can't you're not a Gryffindor you'll get in trouble" she said trying to change my mind. "You can't convince me that the sixth years don't bring other students into the dormitory" I seid with a smirk as we headed up the stairs. She bit her lip and couldn't argue with what I said so I knew it was true."I hope most of them use protection" I seid looking back at her holding in my laugh as her face turned red. " Why must you say stuff like that" she said, puffing her cheek's out with her breath. I couldn't not laugh at that. Once we got into the common room I looked around. It seems nice and it's not as trashed as I thought it would be. I sat on the couch and Hermione followed. "Hey I've had some questions for you but I didn't know when I should ask" Hermione seid twiddling her thumbs, I could tell she was nervous. "Yeah sure" I said turning to her, "don't worry nothing you ask will make me not want to be your friend, I promise I won't get mad" I said smiling at her. She took a deep breath and spoke. "It's about all these years and incidents with your father," she paused. " If he was ok, why did he still want the Sorcerer's Stone?" I contemplated my answer a bit and then replied with " he may have been physically ok but his magical powers were fading, he thought that they could bring them back fully" I said with a blank expression. "Ok that explains it'' she said with a puzzled face. "What else do you want to know?" I asked with a smile. She took a long pause before asking me another question, " you've been acting differently this year, you're keeping something from me" she said looking at me with an unreadable expression. I sighed I don't want to tell her, she'll be devastated and it'll become real. "Are you sure you want to know?" I said, looking at her with sadness in my eyes. She nodded her head. " I made a deal with my dad" she looked at me with shock written all over her face. " I would stay home after this year in exchange for not being torched and being forced into things. I will continue my academic studies at home and he will get to see me" she looked at me with tears in her eyes. " Why" was the only thing she said. I knew why but she didn't need to know it. I will never tell her. I just looked away with shame. "I'll take my leave " I seid. I know she needs time to think about it. I got up and left the common room looking at the ground. I passed Harry and Ron on the stairs and as I passed I heard Ron whisper to Harry "what's she doing here" I guess I left at a good time. That night I didn't sleep well. What if she hates me. But the next morning when I arrived to the breakfast she ran into my arms.

Voldemort's Hufflepuff Daughter (on hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum