35 puppet

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I stepped off the train and he was here, my father is here in the train station. I'm confused, scared, and worried. Why, why is he here? As I stumbled up to him he smiled at me and hugged me, I just froze. "Hug me damnit or I swear to god I will let lucius go farther than usual" he seid. I Immediately hugged back and acted like I was happy to see him. I am a doll. More like a puppet trapped in strings unable to move on my own,, fear controls me. As I sat there in my father's arms I frantically looked around, out of the corner of my eye I saw Hermione. She looked worried. Then she started walking towards me. "What the hell is she doing? No, no, no" I thought. She tapped my shoulder. "Hermione you idiot" I thought to myself " oh yes hermione" I seid with a smile in a sweet tone letting go of Tom. " I just wanted to say goodbye and I was wondering if you rethought your decision to not come over to my house this summer" she said with a smile, " my parents have been dying to meet you" she said with pleading eyes. "Like I said my dad is strict , I can't just go somewhere for the summer like you can '' I seid crossing my arms. " She then turned to my father and I panicked. She then said something that blew my mind, how can she be so bold.

Hello people I am in school lunch surrounded by people who want to make fun of me for being into girls (straight white men), so that's fun. Anyway hope you are having more fun than me and if you're not let's hope this cheers you up, have a nice day.

Love toast

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