Ch 51 promises revealed

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When I woke up Snowflake was curled up beside me. I really wanted to just stay like this but no I must go to class. If I'm being honest I don't particularly enjoy class because it's really easy, but at the same time I feel the need to go. I am right behind Hermione grade wise. We're both neck and neck in school, I feel the need to prove something. But today I just don't feel like doing anything, I feel like my energy has just been sucked out of my body. I don't feel like doing anything, and I don't want to. Just don't want to see people nor have to listen to their chatter or their bullying anything I don't want to do it. What put the harm be in skipping the first day of lessons.

I know I would be punished but I don't care. I soon closed my eyes, I heard shuffling and my roommates getting ready. "I guess Freya isn't going to class today, she thinks she's so cool and powerful just because her father is a villain". I heard them start gossiping about me. "I heard that she has the mark already" , "I heard that her grades are sleeping maybe she's finally losing her mind". I just sunk deeper into the blankets. "I heard that she can speak to snakes", "I heard that she had to have plastic surgery to fix her broken face, I mean she's so ugly obviously it didn't work", "have you seen her she's obviously gained weight, fatass". This truck Accord with me my heart sank I felt chills run all the way down my body. Maybe I should go back to my eating schedule. When I went to pet snowflake, she wasn't there. I panicked, I started feeling around here trying not to be obvious to the other girls. Then I heard a scream. "Ahhh stupid cat it just bit me" oh fuck. I got up and picked up snowflake. I thought it was funny she wanted to protect me but now I'm in trouble with my roommates even more. "What the hell, teach that thing to keep its claws and mouth away from me". I just nodded and whent back to bed. They started laughing at me, "she's so pathetic". "Hey bitch, just because you're the teacher's favorite doesn't mean you can skip class I'm going to tell". " Stella don't be such a prick" I seid turning away from her in my blanket. I heard Iris start laughing. All of my roommates were here so they all witnessed it and they were all contributing to the gossiping. "Ugh whatever come on let's go don't want to be late for class". Stella seidhis as she walked away stomping. She acts like a child. I decided to fall asleep because I was tired. I woke up to pounding on my door, I grew annoyed as it continued after trying to ignore it. When I opened the door disgruntled and angry. All of my anger disappeared into feared when I open the door, it was Mr Filch. He smiled creepily at me and grabbed my arm. He started pulling me out of my dorm and I was struggling to get him to let me go, after all I am in my pajamas and I don't think he realized that I was in pajamas. I was yelling at him the whole way but he told me he didn't want to hear it and to be quiet. He turned around and looked at me angrily. That's when he realized that I was not dressed for the day. He let me go change after I asked and he listened. Then I gave him my arm to drag me because he seemed to like doing that. Once I was in uniform and I was being dragged down the hallway, we arrived to detention. His office. When we walked in I looked around. There was torture items and it was dark, I started shaking I started thinking of the basement at my manner. Was he going to do what Tom did to me. I stood frozen in place after he stopped dragging me. My blood ran cold and I started to sweat. I desperately wanted to leave to run. Run. Go. Leave. Why can't I move. I felt like no matter how hard I tried I couldn't run away and Mr Filch wasn't even using magic. I thought that it would be over with that I would never have to go to a place like that again. I thought that Tom liked me now. I started having trouble seeing straight, before I even realize it I was hyperventilating I felt like the walls were caving in and that I couldn't breathe. I had to sit down. I decided to scoot away from Mr Filch. He started walking towards me as I was inching away. He didn't look like himself anymore he looked just like my father, he was my father. "Stay away from me" I said terrified. "You promised you would be nice you promised me you wouldn't do this again" Tom did tell me at the end of the summer that he would never do this to me again if I agreed to never go to hogwwarts again. I agree and he told me that I had to the end of this year. Was he a liar. He already sent a letter to Dumbledore telling him that I would never after this year come back. My mind was spinning and I was spiralling. I started crying and shaking. I tried to calm down but I just couldn't. I looked around and no one was there anymore. I was alone. Soon I heard running. I looked up to see Dumbledore entering the room. "Freya are you ok, can you hear me" he seid. I nodded, still hyperventilating. I just looked into his eyes. He looked worried. He pulled me into a hug and I closed my eyes. After three minutes of counting I finally calmed down. At first when Tom told me that I would never be able to go back to homework again this year I was distraught and sad, but when he introduced the deal I took it. He said I didn't have to join him but that he wanted his daughter back. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not but I just wanted him to be, I hoped he was....

I felt bad for making Dumbledore worried, he gave me the day off. So I decided to make him cookies. I used to do it all the time in first year so why not, I do have all day to kill. So by the time I was done baking it was almost dinner time. I may have skipped lunch. I have 12 batches of cookies and each batch has thirteen cookies in it. I gave one batch to Dumbledore, then I gave one batch to Draco and one batch to Hermione because they're my friends. I left the extra nine in the common room I didn't leave a note saying who made them I just left a note saying that they could have some. Then I went to dinner because I was hungry. And I saw that Hermione ran twords me. "Where have you been all day" she asked frantically "in the kitchen" I replied casually. She looked at me like I was an idiot, maybe I was but today was fun aside from you know having a panic attack. I had fun just baking cookies, and while I was waiting for them to be done I helped the house elves with lunch and a little bit of dinner.

Voldemort's Hufflepuff Daughter (on hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ