41 food

26 0 0

I was smart to come down from the attic because as soon as I got down the ladder and sat on my bed Tom walked into my room, along with Nagini. "The house elves have made us dinner" he said as I sat up. I was laying on my back so I had to face him. "Ok father" I said with a blank face. I have decided to not try to deceive him anymore. He looked at me with shock, but quickly recovered with a smirk shortly after, not even a second. But I didn't miss it. He turned on his heels and I followed him to the dining room. He sat at the head of the table and I sat at the end. The food appeared right in front of me almost like Hogwarts but it was already dished up. I had forgotten what hospitality felt like in my own home. It was strange. Usually I would be starving in the basement bleeding out, hopefully not  getting an infection. As I ate I felt sick to my stomach since I started to stop myself from eating at the end of the year so I wouldn't be harmed from the lack of food. It hurts to eat so much food. I quickly ran to throw up into the toilet. Nagini followed, just starring. I leaned my back on the wall, nagini wrapped herself around my waist and curled her head on my lap. She seems to be trying to comfort me and... it was working. I find some comfort in her. I don't know why. A house elf walked in presumably because of my father wondering if I was okay. The house smiled at me and I smiled back and she left. I could tell she knew I was okay. Me and the Nagini stayed like that for a while, my father walked in after he finished dinner, I'm assuming. He was startled when Nagini was with me. I'm guessing he doesn't control her fully. I mean she is still an animal. Nagini slithered off of me and I stood up, she probably wanted to follow Tom. I still have no idea why he's being nice to me but it could be that he still wants a relationship with me. I doubt that but it's nice to think about. As I think about it, the more I realize that I do love him no matter what he does, I still do think of him as my father no matter how much I try and resent him. It doesn't work, because deep down I know.

I still love him

Voldemort's Hufflepuff Daughter (on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें