_Ch 2 Flowering Hatred_

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Freya's P.O.V:

It was my 11th birthday, and it was the worst one of all. I couldn't sleep for the remainder of the night, not that there was much left but still. I just sat there in my bed remembering the night's events, the thump of her body hitting the floor, her voice cracking as she screamed, the lost look in her teary eyes. I just watched my father kill my mother. Of course, he didn't know I was there, so he thinks I'm sleeping soundly. But I'm just lying-in bed numb, I feel like it hasn't set in yet. Is she really gone, is this all just a sick nightmare? My dad walked into my room, and I sat up trying my best to keep calm. My hands are sweating so hard right now. "Honey, something happened to your mother". Wow so blunt. "What happened father," I asked trying my best to look puzzled and concerned he paused for a second, and he let out a shaky breath. "She was hit by a car this morning". He's such a liar. I started tearing up, I needed to hear that she was gone, just now it hit me like a bus. I feel a wave of exhaustion and an inconsolable feeling in my gut. My mom's words had replayed in my mind all night alongside her eyes. Her tears streamed down her flushed cheeks. her skin losing color, her eyes beginning to dry. The far-off look in her eyes. My father Tom Riddle hugged me. He looked at my red face, covered in snot, with pity. Now I just found out he was the one my mother told me not to talk about, who took her friends from her James and lily potter. My mom was a Hufflepuff, but she was friends with most people, she was friends with everyone. She may have thought my dad was a good person, but I saw my father for who he was, a Monster. I tightened the suffocating hug as I cried into my father's chest, I closed my eyes, not wanting to keep them open, and all that when through my mind where my mother's screams. he caused then and all i wanted in that moment was to stab him. but at the same time i needed my father's hug. He pulled away after I had calmed down, he licked his lips and spoke "you mean everything to me Honey, I promise I will be here for you". "But you know this is hard on me too I mean I was closer to her than you she was my wife" I started crying again I felt bad, I knew I shouldn't, and he did kill her, but I couldn't explain it. He lifted me with magic and put me on the counter for breakfast. "You should have a spot of breakfast", "it might make you feel better". I made a face of disgust before having it fixed into a smile "ok father". He saw that I silently panicked not wavering my expression. After eating he pulled out a gift bag. I wish I could have smiled excitedly as I always would on my birthday, but everything seems to hurt. "It's from your mother, I have no idea what she got you," he said with a blank expression. It took all of me to not glare at him, I wanted to punch him instead I smiled and took it out of his hands. 

When I opened it there was a beautiful daisy necklace in a box. They were my mom's favorite flowers, she always said they were simple but beautiful. There was also a panda plushie next to it, my favorite animal. And a handwritten card that I couldn't get myself to read yet. My dad then gave me his gift, it was a cozy bear onesie. I hate to admit it, but I loved it. I rushed to put it on. With an excited expression on my face. Once I put on my fashion show, I put on a nice dress my grandma gave me before she died. She made it for me. It was beige with a black bow around the collar.

 It hung loosely around me for me to grow into it. I used to not fit in it but now I can wear it. I paired it with some nice white ruffle socks that went to my ankles with black strap-on flats. I put on my new silver necklace and ran to the garden to play. I had the table outside so I could have tea parties, but I was now 11 and am too old for that, so I decided to break the rules a little bit. I knew some spells that I could just say, and they would happen, I thought this was normal until my father saw me doing it because he walked in on me making a toy float with wingardium leviosa, I still don't have a wand, but I can perform magic perfectly without it. I already know a couple of spells, but since I broke an expensive vase, I'm not allowed to do magic until school. At first, I wasn't going to go to school, but my mother insisted, and I am now expecting my letter soon. My birthday is a couple of months before school, so I still have to wait. As I was thinking of spells to try and make myself feel better, I thought of one of my favorites "flora crescere", I quietly said. Flowers bloomed from my hands and the ones I thought of came in beautiful colors and arrangements, they danced and flourished as they appeared. There were Daisies, Irises, Pink Roses, Sunflowers, and Gardenias. I decided I was going to make flower crowns. I made one with sunflowers and pink roses. I threw them in a vase and put them in my room window with the rest. Now all I had to do was wait for my letter, this was going to be a long rest of the short summer.

(A/N) it's the beginning of June right now, Freya's birthday is the 15th of June. Thank you for reading.

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